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Einsatz Von Klonierungstechniken Beim Menschen
T. Heinemann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

[The Usage of Cloning Techniques on Humans] In various states, criteria for ethical decisions on the application of cloning techniques in the human field are taken as the basis for relevant legislation. These... czytaj dalej

Beyond Violence
Fitzduff Wydawnictwo: angielskie

After almost 30 years of bloody conflict, the opposing parties in Northern Ireland signed the "Good Friday Agreement" in 1998, a document that specifies how to share power, thus bringing to an end... czytaj dalej

Moral Man & Immoral Society
R. Niebuhr Wydawnictwo: inne

Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971) was one of America's foremost twentieth-century religious thinkers and social critics. As pastor of Bethel Evangelical Church in Detroit, he became deeply interested in social problems... czytaj dalej

Capital Punishment
A. Sarat Wydawnictwo: inne

Along with the right to make war, the death penalty is the ultimate measure of sovereignty and test of political power, and capital trials are today the moment when that sovereignty is most vividly on display... czytaj dalej

Women & Jewish Law
R. Biale Wydawnictwo: angielskie

How has a legal tradition determined by men affected the lives of women? What are the traditional Jewish views of marriage, divorce, sexuality, contraception, abortion? Women and Jewish Law gives contemporary... czytaj dalej

Criminal Justice
U. Smartt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'This Course Companion in Criminal Justice by Ursula Smartt is to be applauded. It is an essential handbook for all students and practitioners who are studying the criminal justice system. The user-friendly... czytaj dalej

Understanding Social Inequality
Butler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Moving beyond the traditional dichotomies of social theory, Understanding Social Inequality brings the study of social stratification and inequality into the 21st century. Starting with the widely agreed 'fact'... czytaj dalej

What's the Use of Truth?
R. Rorty Wydawnictwo: inne

What is truth? What value should we see in or attribute to it? The war over the meaning and utility of truth is at the center of contemporary philosophical debate, and its arguments have rocked the foundations... czytaj dalej

Cultures Conflict and Globalization
H. Anheier Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The world's cultures and their forms of creation, presentation, and preservation are deeply affected by globalization in ways that are inadequately documented and understood. The Cultures and Globalization... czytaj dalej

wiadomość środowiska
Włodzimierz Galewicz Wydawnictwo: universitas

Książka zawiera materiały z konferencji filozoficznej magazynu Diametros.... czytaj dalej