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Galicia A Multicultured Land
C. Hann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Habsburg Galicia was an area in central Europe covering territory presently occupied by Poland and Ukraine that was distinctive for its multi-ethnic character. With the unraveling of the Austro-Hungarian Empire... czytaj dalej

Transsexualism Illusion and Reality
Chiland Wydawnictwo: inne

Transsexualism is a phenomenon of our time. At other times and in other places, there have been, or still are, people not living in the sex of their origin and having a special status. In Western culture, however... czytaj dalej

Trips Regime of Trademarks & Designs
N. Carvalho Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The same author who wrote "The TRIPS Regime of Patent Rights", a thorough commentary on the patent and test data-related provisions of the TRIPS Agreement that in just three years has become a classic... czytaj dalej

Już dłużej nie wytrzymam realne spojrzenie na kryzys małżeński
Elizabetta Blado Wydawnictwo: Jedność

Autorka tego znakomitego poradnika używ metafory tortu z wisienką, aby obrazowo uchwycić te elementy relacji, które wywołują kryzys w parach i małżeństwach.... czytaj dalej

Freier Warenverkehr & Nationale Regulungsgewalt
H. Weyer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Der Autor analysiert umfassend den Anwendungsbereich der zentralen Normen des EG-Vertrages zum freien Warenverkehr auf Grundlage der vielschichtigen Rechtsprechnung des Europäischen Gerichtshofes. Er zeichnet... czytaj dalej

Mishnah in Contemporary Perspective
A. Avery-Peck Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This second volume of a two-part project on the Mishnah displays a broad selection of approaches to the study of the Mishnah in the contemporary academy. The work derives from Israel, North America, and Europe... czytaj dalej

Bully the Bullied & the Bystander
B. Coloroso Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

It's a deadly triad: bullies who terrorize, bullied kids who are afraid to tell, bystanders who watch, participate, or look away, and adults who dismiss the incidents as a normal part of childhood. Drawing... czytaj dalej

J. Macionis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For one-quarter/semester or two semester Introductory Sociology courses. This text shows students that sociology is relevant to their daily lives. Sociology, Eleventh Edition has a new groundbreaking design... czytaj dalej

Nato Future of European Security
Kay Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Tracing NATO's formative years, its Cold War development, and its post-Cold War evolution, Sean Kay draws on his policy experience in Brussels and Washington to provide unique insights into contemporary policy... czytaj dalej

Cool Men & Second Sex
S. Fraiman Wydawnictwo: inne

Academic superstars Andrew Ross, Edward Said, and Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Bad boy filmmakers Quentin Tarantino, Spike Lee, and Brian de Palma. What do these influential contemporary figures have in common? In... czytaj dalej