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The overall subject of the essays in this text is the traditional one of what our ultimate makeup is, as creatures with minds and bodies. The central thesis is that we are beings who represent - and misrepresent... czytaj dalej
This work explores popular attitudes on social, economic, and political justice in the former communist states of Russia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, and eastern Germany. Drawing on opinion surveys... czytaj dalej
Given the sheer expanse of insurance law, the aims of this book must necessarily be modest. While it is intended that it should complement "Insurance Law: Doctrines and Principles", the authors have... czytaj dalej
Amerykańska demokracja w XXI wieku to książka będąca rezultatem ogólnopolskiej konferencji naukowej zorganizowanej w grudniu 2005 roku przez Instytut Amerykanistyki i Studiów Polonijnych Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego... czytaj dalej
This theoretically balanced text provides the latest research findings and a consistent structure to help students analyze major social problems facing the United States. This "down-to-earth" approach... czytaj dalej
Few essays about the Holocaust are better known or more important than Primo Levi's reflections on what he called "the gray zone," a reality in which moral ambiguity and compromise were pronounced... czytaj dalej
In this new series of fascicles, all images contained in English Late Gothic manuscripts from libraries throughout the world will be catalogued according to a carefully prescribed template, described, classified... czytaj dalej
This new motif index, published entirely in English, catalogues and accesses all the important narrative motifs in secular narrative literature written in German from the 9th to 14th centuries. The Motif Index... czytaj dalej
This edition of the classic text in the field of international law has been rewritten to reflect the significant developments that have taken place since the 1980s in the law and practice of international institutions... czytaj dalej
This unique book is a vital purchase for students of company law, using a succinct and easy-to-read style to explain all aspects of company law including accounts, insolvency and Scottish law where relevant... czytaj dalej