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Rome is not one city but many, each with its own history unfolding from a different center: now the trading port on the Tiber; now the Forum of antiquity; the Palatine of imperial power; the Lateran Church... czytaj dalej
The British Social Attitudes survey series is carried out by Britain's largest independent social research institute, the National Centre for Social Research. It provides an indispensable guide to current political... czytaj dalej
Psychology for A2 Level is a highly readable textbook, which has been written for the new A2 Psychology syllabus of the AQA Specification A (formerly AEB) and is aimed specifically at students pursuing their... czytaj dalej
"W tej książce ujmuję problem tragizmu ludzkiej egzystencji z perspektywy filozoficznej, co współcześnie oznacza domaganie się prawa obywatelstwa takiej problematyki w ramach filozofii, jako że kwestia... czytaj dalej
A lively account of the transformations that have taken place in politics, economics and social ideas during the past two hundred years. ... czytaj dalej
The South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) encompasses seven countries of a large landmass containing one-fifth of the total global population. After the formation of SAARC in August 1980... czytaj dalej
For sophomore/junior-level courses in Psychological Testing or Measurement. Focuses on the use of psychological tests to make important decisions about individuals in a variety of settings. This text explores... czytaj dalej
Examines the impact of the information revolution on international and domestic security, attempting to remedy both the lack of theoretically informed analysis of information security and the US-centric tendency... czytaj dalej
Three American missiles hit the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, and what Americans view as an appalling and tragic mistake, many Chinese see as a "barbaric" and intentional "criminal act,"... czytaj dalej
This new set offers students and researchers thorough, objective and systematic essays on the history, culture and current status of all federally recognized Native American groups -- approximately 400 in all... czytaj dalej