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Martina heideggera myślenie sztuki
Woźniak Cezary Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo A

Obszerna monografia problematyki sztuki w myśli Martina Heideggera, jednego z najwybitniejszych filozofów Zachodu. Książka zyskała pozytywne recenzje ks. Józefa Tischnera oraz prof. Władysława Stróżowskiego.... czytaj dalej

Who Leads Whom?
B. Canes-Wrone Wydawnictwo: brak danych

"Who Leads Whom?" is an ambitious study that addresses some of the most important questions in contemporary American politics: Do presidents pander to public opinion by backing popular policy measures... czytaj dalej

With Courage & Common Sense
S. Albert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Women who were 60 or older at the turn of the 21st century have lived through some of recent history's most momentous moments - and yet these women often believe that their personal lives and stories are insignificant... czytaj dalej

Motif Index of German Secular Narratives from the Beginning
C. Tuczay Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This new motif index, published entirely in English, catalogues and accesses all the important narrative motifs in secular narrative literature written in German from the 9th to 14th centuries. The Motif Index... czytaj dalej

Education Plc
Ball Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Is the privatisation of state education defendable? Did the public sector ever provide a fair education for all learners? "In Education plc", Stephen Ball provides a comprehensive, analytic and empirical... czytaj dalej

Body Body Problem
A. Danto Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The overall subject of the essays in this text is the traditional one of what our ultimate makeup is, as creatures with minds and bodies. The central thesis is that we are beings who represent - and misrepresent... czytaj dalej

Pisma semantyczne
Rudolf Carnap Wydawnictwo: Aletheia

Rudolf Carnap (1891-1970) był czołowym inicjatorem i wykonawcą programu radykalnej przemiany filozofii, wysuniętego w pierwszej połowie ubiegłego stulecia przez myślicieli krytycznych wobec tradycyjnej problematyki... czytaj dalej

Female Face of God in Auschwitz
M. Raphael Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The dominant theme of post-Holocaust Jewish theology has been that of the temporary hiddenness of God, interpreted either as a divine mystery or, more commonly, as God's deferral to human freedom. But traditional... czytaj dalej

Geographies of Globalization
Murray Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This informative text offers a geographical perspective on globalization. It provides a lively exploration of its spatial impacts and the distinctive contribution of human geography to studies and debates in... czytaj dalej

International Law
Wallace Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Presents the essentials of International law, explaining the basic principles. This book includes diagrams and flowcharts to illustrate difficult concepts. It provides sample questions with model answers to... czytaj dalej