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Koniec złudzeń, politycy poza kontrolą, kryzys państwa, państwo na krawędzi - to tylko niektóre tytuły artykułów omawiających stan Polski po ujawnieniu "Rywingate". Przyczyny kryzysu państwa analizują... czytaj dalej
"Sports in Society" is the definitive text for the sport sociology course. Taking a global, issues-oriented approach to the study of the role of sport in society, this text encourages the discussion... czytaj dalej
This book provides a coherent, comprehensive introduction to urban geography. It offers a historical and process-oriented approach with a North American focus that also provides a global context and comparative... czytaj dalej
Economic Damages in Intellectual Property Matters presents a series of chapters by leading economists, IP professionals, and consultants on how economic analysis in support of IP litigation matters is performed... czytaj dalej
This greatly updated and expanded version of a 1996 classic - in its time, the first major study on the practice of international business dispute resolution - is a new book in itself. Benefitting from a comprehensive... czytaj dalej
The 'Watson and Hill Dictionary" has long been a classic of its kind, a 'must' for university and college book lists and both students and teachers of communication. This new edition takes into account... czytaj dalej
"Shaping Things is about created objects and the environment, which is to say, it's about everything," writes Bruce Sterling in this addition to the Mediawork Pamphlet series. He adds, "Seen... czytaj dalej
"The Unveiling of Secrets" ("Kashf al-Asr-r") is the visionary autobiography of one of the most significant mystics of twelfth-century Iran, Ruzbihan Baqli (522/1128-606/1209). Written in... czytaj dalej
Why socialism has failed to play a significant role in the United States - the most developed capitalist industrial society and hence, ostensibly, fertile ground for socialism - has been a critical question... czytaj dalej
An account of the forces, historical, religious, ethnic and political, that produced Saddam Hussein's dictatorship of Iraq. The country was forged after World War I from the Mesopotamian region of the collapsed... czytaj dalej