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Magdalene Mystique
Adam Wydawnictwo: inne

Offers an overview of the Gospel of Mary; and reviews the Church's long history of misunderstanding her. This work offers advice, prayers and liturgy for living Magdalene spirituality.... czytaj dalej

International Arbitration & Forum Selection Agreements
G. Born Wydawnictwo: angielskie

No lawyer involved in international transactions can afford to ignore this authoritative guide to planning and drafting international arbitration agreements and forum selection clauses. It includes clear, practical... czytaj dalej

Oxford English Law English Private Law & Second Cumulative
Peter Birks Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Oxford English Law is the essential first point of reference on English law for lawyers in the UK and throughout the world. This pack makes English Private Law and English Public Law available together as a... czytaj dalej

Governing With the News
Cook Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The ideal of a neutral, objective press has proven in recent years to be just that - an ideal. In Governing with the News, Timothy E. Cook goes far beyond the single claim that the press is not impartial to... czytaj dalej

Judical Process Law Courts & Politics in United States
Neubauer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Judicial Process provides a comprehensive examination of the American legal system. Neubauer presents a balanced treatment of law and politics, explaining the function of judicial process as the third branch... czytaj dalej

Charlesworth's Company Law
Morse Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This unique book is a vital purchase for students of company law, using a succinct and easy-to-read style to explain all aspects of company law including accounts, insolvency and Scottish law where relevant... czytaj dalej

Democratic Processes & Financial Markets
W. Bernhard Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The authors examine the conditions under which democratic events, including elections, cabinet formations, and government dissolutions, affect asset markets. Where these events have less predictable outcomes... czytaj dalej

In the Know in the USA
J. Phillips Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Coming to work in the U.S. for the first time? How's a foreigner to know that when we say "drop by anytime" we don't really mean it?Success abroad, in business and in social situations, requires a... czytaj dalej

Bodies at Work
C. Wolkowitz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Bodies at Work" provides the first full-length, accessible account of the body/work relation in contemporary western societies. Bringing together fields of sociology that have hitherto developed... czytaj dalej

Empire If You Can Keep In Power & Principle in American F
Thomas Magstadt Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A truly compelling, thought provoking, and relevant text for students of American foreign policy Drawing on the Bush administration's foreign policy maneuvering and the realities of a post-9/11 world, Thomas... czytaj dalej