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New American Interventionism
D. Caraley Wydawnictwo: inne

Drawing a portrait of American military intervention since the end of the Cold War, the essays in this text examine specific interventions including: Bosnia; Haiti; the Gulf War; and South Korea. In the process... czytaj dalej

Scriptural Allusions & Exegesis in the Hodayot
J. Hughes Wydawnictwo: brak danych

It has long been noted that the Thanksgiving Hymns (Hodayot) from Qumran make extensive use of biblical language. A premise of this study of their use of scripture is that these compositions can best be understood... czytaj dalej

Religious Freedom Multiculturalism Islam
T. Sakaranaho Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is a comparative study of Muslims in Finland and the Republic of Ireland, from the perspective of religious freedom and multiculturalism. The book consists of three parts: the first part discusses religious... czytaj dalej

EC Competition Procedure
Blanco Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the second edition of a key analytical commentary on the competition procedures of the EC, written by a distinguished editor and contributor team with extensive experience in the area. It provides the... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Buddhism
Prebish Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book reflects the current state of scholarship in Buddhist Studies, its entries being written by specialists in many areas, presenting an accurate overview of Buddhist history, thought and practices, most... czytaj dalej

Inside Washington
W. Delphos Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Designed to help professionals find specific resources from the federal government, including incentives and programs. Find the money that the government has stored and puts aside for businesses. Get the hidden... czytaj dalej

Debating Democracy
Miroff Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This reader offers two readings per chapter organized in a debate-style format, representing opposing viewpoints. The straightforward, thought-provoking presentation facilitates classroom discussion.Chapter... czytaj dalej

Book.History of the Bible
Ch Hamel de Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A compelling, highly readable, scrupulously factual, and unbiased history of the Bible as a book, with over 200 rich, fascinating and varied illustrations of Bibles from all times and places. The bible is... czytaj dalej

Militarism Rule without Law
Carlton Wydawnictwo: inne

Militarism is commonly associated with predatory societies and power-hungry rulers, from Assyrians and Spartans, Romans and Mongols, to the expansionist regimes of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. But militarism... czytaj dalej

Joan of Arc in French Art and Culture
N. Heimann Wydawnictwo: inne

In her meticulous and wide-ranging study, Nora M. Heimann follows the metamorphosis of Joan of Arc's posthumous representation during the years in which her image ascended from relative obscurity as a minor... czytaj dalej