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No Clock in Forest
Paul Willis Wydawnictwo: inne

In the tradition of the Narnia Chronicles, _No Clock in the Forest_ is the best-written novel in the English language since Mark Helprin's _Winter's Tale_. Set in a vividly-depicted Pacific Northwest, William... czytaj dalej

Circle Opens #1 Magic Steps
M. Steps Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Lady Sandrilene fa Toren becomes the tutor of a young boy who can "dance magic." Her responsibilities increase when she is called on to catch a cunning murderer.Page TurnersA thrilling fantasy adventure... czytaj dalej

Sound Heat & Light Energy at Wotk
Melvin Berger Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Amusing illustrations help show the many ways in which sound, heat, and light work to help us in our daily lives.... czytaj dalej

Heath Anthology of American Literature Concise
Miller Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This new anthology brings the expansive, inclusive approach of the two-volume Heath to the single-volume format. While other one-volume texts continue to anthologize primarily canonical works, the new Heath... czytaj dalej

Easter Activities
F. Watt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This activity book contains ideas for things to make and do for Easter. Each project is accompanied by simple step-by-step instructions and a photograph of the final creation. Projects include a pop-up chick... czytaj dalej

Ballerina Dreams #05 Dancing with the Stars
A. Bryant Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Jasmine's been told she's good enough to audition for the world-famous Royal Ballet School - she's on top of the world! But her happiness is shattered when Dad won't allow her to audition. Will Jasmine ever... czytaj dalej

Mary & O'Neil
J. Cronin Wydawnictwo: inne

Mary and O'Neil--each with a difficult, haunted past--meet, fall in love, marry, and raise a family. They are seemingly ordinary people who live seemingly ordinary lives, but who manage to make peace with their... czytaj dalej

Voltaire Almighty
R. Pearson Wydawnictwo: inne

During much of his life Voltaire's plays and verse made him the toast of society, but his barbed wit and commitment to reason also got him into trouble. With tales of illegitimacy, prison, stardom, exile, love... czytaj dalej

Managing Preservation for Libraries & Archives
J. Feather Wydawnictwo: inne

The preservation of library and archival materials can encompass everything from bookbinding and paper repair to new techniques for maintaining and exploiting digital text, sound or images. Managing Preservation... czytaj dalej

Return of the Sorceress 4
T. Waggoner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Armed with new weapons and a newfound confidence, Nearra and her friends plan to confront the wizard Maddoc, but before they can reach Cairngorn Keep, a skeletal griffin kidnaps Nearra and delivers her directly... czytaj dalej