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The Traitor
Coonts Stephen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Donna Leon?s fifteenth mystery is set on the island of Murano where her hero, Commissario Guido Brunetti, investigates a murder at a glass furnace (fornace) there. Prior to the murder, Brunetti started snooping... czytaj dalej

Then We Came to the End
Ferris Joshua Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this wildly funny debut from former ad man Ferris, a group of copywriters and designers at a Chicago ad agency face layoffs at the end of the '90s boom. Indignation rises over the rightful owner of a particularly... czytaj dalej

British Fiction Today
P. Tew Wydawnictwo: inne

Provides students and readers with an introduction to key authors and novels since 1990 through a collection of the perspectives on British fiction. This book offers comprehensive coverage of a range of selected... czytaj dalej

Latin Poetry & the Judgement of Taste
C. Martindale Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book argues for a new attention to the importance of beauty and the aesthetic in our response to poetry. Charles Martindale explores ways in which Kant's aesthetic theory, as set out in the Critique of... czytaj dalej

Literary Theory
M. Klages Wydawnictwo: inne

Provides an introduction to literary theory from basic information and orientation for the uninformed leading on to sophisticated readings. This book offers a guide to the major theories and theorists, including:... czytaj dalej

P. Hawkins Wydawnictwo: brak danych

For over seven centuries, Dante and his masterpiece, "The Divine Comedy", have held a special place in Western culture. The poem is at once a vivid journey through hell to heaven, a poignant love... czytaj dalej

A desert in Bohemia
Jill Paton Walsh Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Alegoria do dziś i wczoraj ze wspaniałym morałem.... czytaj dalej

Memoires d'un Fou
Flaubert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Les rapports de l'enfant Flaubert et de la littérature illustrent de façon exemplaire la naissance d'une vocation. Le petit garçon qui connaissait Don Quichotte par coeur avant de savoir lire avait déja senti... czytaj dalej

Ein Allzu Schoenes Maedchen
M. Altenburg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Im Frankfurter Stadtwald werden die grauenhaft zugerichteten Leichen zweier junger Männer gefunden. Hauptkommissar Robert Marthaler wird mit der Aufklärung dieses schwierigen Falls betraut. Die grausamen Morde... czytaj dalej

Spur der Flammen
B. Wood Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Als die junge Archäologin Candice an das Sterbebett ihres Professors John Masters gerufen wird, fordert er sie verzweifelt auf, eine mysteriöse Keilschrifttafel zu retten. Candice macht sich mit seinem Sohn... czytaj dalej