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Rouse Up O Young Men of the New Age!
Kenzaburo Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A remarkable portrait of the inexpressible bond between a famous writer and his cipher of a son, this magnificent novel of startling candor is from a Nobel Prize-winning Japanese master. As the man struggles... czytaj dalej

Buckamoo Girls
Kelley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Two imaginative cows, Joanna and Susanna, dream of roaming the range as cowgirls. They ride horses, camp out, rope steers, and sing of dancing "by the light of the moooooon." With a simple, rhyming... czytaj dalej

Memoris & Memorials of Sir Hugh Cholmley of Whitby 1600-1657
Binns Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Sir Hugh Cholmley played many roles in an extraordinary life, transforming himself from a spendthrift playboy into a successful estate manager, magistrate, local militia officer, and member of parliament for... czytaj dalej

Germany Jekyll & Hyde
Haffner Sebastian Wydawnictwo: inne

?Sebastian Haffner?s book is unmatched as a contemporary analysis of the Third Reich. It is quite remarkable that, writing in 1940, he could produce such acute insights into Hitler?s character and political... czytaj dalej

The Ice Child
Elizabeth McGregor Wydawnictwo: inne

Wielka moc natury jest matką miłości.... czytaj dalej

Bad Mother's Handbook
Long Kate Wydawnictwo: angielskie

I've waited a long time for a book like this. Kate Long tells it like it is. She understands the lives the 'real' women lead. There are no handsome barristers waiting to make their way into the pages of a woman's... czytaj dalej

The New Granta Book of American Short Story
Ford Richard Wydawnictwo: angielskie

There's a story about Ring Lardner, told of him (or against him) by his editor, Harold Ross, that claims his method of writing a story was to put down a few wildly distinct phrases on a piece of paper, leave... czytaj dalej

C. Prendergast Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Focusing on a moment and a source in nineteenth-century France, Christopher Prendergast takes up a big question that is still with us: What is a classic? The question is, by virtue of its insistent recurrence... czytaj dalej

Fifty Key Literary Theorists
R. Lane Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Covering over a century's worth of debate, thinking and writing about literature, this is a unique guide to the lives and works of fifty theorists who have left an indelible mark on the way we all experience... czytaj dalej

Transgressions 4
MCCrumb Sharyn Wydawnictwo: inne

Wersja angielska... czytaj dalej