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The Five is an captivating novel of the decadent fin-de-siecle written by Vladimir Jabotinsky (1880-1940), a controversial leader in the Zionist movement whose literary talents, until now, have largely gone... czytaj dalej
Brief plays and sketches deal with the relationship between men and women, the past, communication, country life, and mortality. ... czytaj dalej
Ivan Chonkin is a simple, bumbling peasant who has been drafted into the Red Army. Shortly before the outbreak of World War II, he is sent to an obscure village with one week's ration of canned meat and orders... czytaj dalej
Before the Black Pearl, there was a teenage stowaway named Jack Sparrow... The story of Jack Sparrow starts here! Teenage stowaway Jack Sparrow has assembled a motley crew and they#8217;re on the quest of a... czytaj dalej
This book is intended as a guide for those people who have been charged with establishing a library or information service in their organisation. It is a practical guide to the steps that need to be taken,... czytaj dalej
Przyjaźń jest najcenniejszym darem. Obojętnie, czy będziemy się razem śmiać, czy też mamy wspólnie przebrnąć przez ciemne strony życia. Zawsze pozostają wspomnienia, które czynią naszą przyjaźń szczególną.... czytaj dalej
Whitbread Award?winning novelist Brady (Theory of War) has crafted an action-packed, densely woven thriller set in Springfield, Ill., about a blind attorney and the young man who may or may not have murdered... czytaj dalej
Na samą myśl o kolejnym zjeździe rodzinnym Grażyna P. dostawała gęsiej skórki. Sympatyczne, choć wścibskie ciotki znów będą próbowały uszczęśliwić ją na siłę. Być może trzeci ślub Halinki odwróci ich uwagę... czytaj dalej
What goes up must come down, and when we last saw Alex Rider, he was as up as can be?in outer space. When he crash lands off the coast of Australia, the Australian Secret Service recruits him to infiltrate... czytaj dalej