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Starred Review. As editor McBain admits in his introduction, it was a bit of a challenge to persuade 10 superstar authors (well, only nine, since he's also a contributor) to each write an original novella,... czytaj dalej
In this wildly funny debut from former ad man Ferris, a group of copywriters and designers at a Chicago ad agency face layoffs at the end of the '90s boom. Indignation rises over the rightful owner of a particularly... czytaj dalej
Renowned literary scholar Linda Hutcheon explores the ubiquity of adaptations in all their various media incarnations and challenges their constant critical denigration. Adaptation, Hutcheon argues, has always... czytaj dalej
This is a study of the presence of Greek and Latin in British literature since the Renaissance. While the influence of Greek and Roman literature on British literature has been extensively surveyed, the role... czytaj dalej
Dzieci i młodziż chętnie poznają i przeżywają otoczneie poprzez zabawę. W książce zebrano propzycje ciekwych, twórczych zabaw, które wzbogacają wyobraźnię i zdolność empatii.... czytaj dalej
"Die Frau des Zeitreisenden" - seit mehreren Wochen auf den Bestsellelisten. Selten wurde so aufwühlend, so anders und neu über die Liebe geschrieben. Clare ist Kunststudentin und eine Botticelli-Schönheit... czytaj dalej
Incredible as it may seem now, in the 16th century, Nostradamus predicted the World Trade Center attack. And his predictions don't stop there! The World's leading Nostradamus expert, David Ovason, focuses on... czytaj dalej
'I have been racking my brains and I cannot remember a book I have readrecently which made me laugh more, or as often, as James Hewes'sRancid Aluminium. Evelyn Waugh's Scoop and Tom Sharpe'sRiotous Assembly... czytaj dalej
Anna Schoene is a golden child. Her parents, Joseph and Genevieve, were rich American expats in Shanghai before the Japanese invaded, before the war intervened. The child of missionaries, Joseph Schoene has... czytaj dalej
Oceane, successful computer graphics designer and former dancer, likes to travel, but doesn't like to go out; in fact she never leaves home. Her solution is to bring the world to her South London flat using... czytaj dalej