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Latin Poetry & the Judgement of Taste
C. Martindale Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book argues for a new attention to the importance of beauty and the aesthetic in our response to poetry. Charles Martindale explores ways in which Kant's aesthetic theory, as set out in the Critique of... czytaj dalej

Literary Theory
M. Klages Wydawnictwo: inne

Provides an introduction to literary theory from basic information and orientation for the uninformed leading on to sophisticated readings. This book offers a guide to the major theories and theorists, including:... czytaj dalej

Na tropie Klingsora
Jorge Volpi Wydawnictwo: Muza

Porucznik wywiadu amerykańskiego ma do wykonania szczególną misję: musi wykryć, który z wielkich niemieckich uczonych kryje się pod pseudonimem Klingsor. Chodzi o źródła finansowania niemieckiego programu atomowego... czytaj dalej

Via Vienna
Mile Stojić Wydawnictwo: inne

Mile Stojić wybitny chorwacki poeta, autor ponad 10 książek, laureat wielu znaczących nagród literackich jugosłowiańskich i austriackiej nagrody państwowej Buchpremie za najlepszą książkę w 2000 roku oraz nagrody... czytaj dalej

Sixty Seconds That Will Change World
P. Hadfield Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In 1991 journalist and former geologist Peter Hadfield predicted that a major earthquake would hit one of Japan's most industrial areas in the 1990s, the prelude to an era of intense seismic upheaval below... czytaj dalej

C. Ryan Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

A duel to death between an SAS soldier and the man who taught him everything he knows.SAS Captain Alex Temple is on an urgent mission. Someone has been murdering M15 officers and it looks as if the killer is... czytaj dalej

Matter of Death & Life
A. Kurkov Wydawnictwo: inne

Marital troubles?Sick of life? Suicide the answer? Why not get yourself a contract killer? Nothing easier, provided you communicate only by phone and box number. You give him your photograph, specify when and... czytaj dalej

A. Garros Wydawnictwo: inne

A Russian cyberthriller that has been a huge hit in Russia and now looks set to be an international cult novel.26-year-old Vadim hates his job in the PR department of Latvia#8217;s biggest bank. He spends his... czytaj dalej

British as a Second Language
Bennun Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

David Bennun had lived in Africa his whole life. At the age of 18, he came to Britain, the mother country--the country he had read about and seen in films. Would it be the noble, educated, admirable United... czytaj dalej

Mog's Missing
H. Nicoll Wydawnictwo: angielskie

It's Midsummer Eve and Meg and Mog fly off to meet their friends, but naughty Mog is messing around and falls from the broom. Meg and friends form a search party, but however hard they look, Mog just can't... czytaj dalej