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Djian Philippe Wydawnictwo: Muza

W jednej z rodzin mieszkających na wzgórzu pokrytym luksusowymi rezydencjami rozegrała się tragedia. W niejasnych okolicznościach utopiła się w jeziorze osiemnastoletnia Lisa - starsza córka znanej aktorki... czytaj dalej

Rache der Zwerge
M. Heitz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Markus Heitz hat den Zwergen ein unverwechselbares Gesicht gegeben. Nach mehr als einer Viertelmillion verkaufter Romane um Tungdil und seine Gefährten zieht der tapfere kleine Held erneut aus, um gegen die... czytaj dalej

Angels Crest
L. Schwartz Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

On a crisp winter morning just before the start of deer season, Ethan and his three-year-old son Nate set off together to discover the beauties of the forest. As he parks the car, Ethan sports a pair of magnificent... czytaj dalej

Odd Sea
Frederick Reiken Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Set in the western Massachusetts hilltown of Cummington, this poignant debut novel is the story of Philip Shumway, who recalls the summer when he was 13 and his adored, musically talented older brother, Ethan... czytaj dalej

I Want to Be an Astronaut
Maze Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Dreams of flying can come true, and this book can help launch young readers toward a lofty career as an astronaut. Filled with fascinating photographs and facts about the history and the future of space exploration... czytaj dalej

Mabel the Tooth Fairy & How She Got Her Job
Davis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Revealed at last! The true story of how the tooth fairy got her job . . . ... czytaj dalej

Guide to Star Wars Universe 2e
B. Slavicsek Wydawnictwo: inne

Looking for facts abut the characters, armament, starships, planets, alien species, or battles in the most exciting adventure of them all? You'll find the whole universe of Star Wars covered in this fully revised... czytaj dalej

Art of Star Wars Episode IV New Hope
C. Titelman Wydawnictwo: inne

To compliment the new Special Edition versions of the classic Star Wars films being released in theaters, these new editions of the bestselling companion books each include sixteen pages of all-new material... czytaj dalej

Star Wars Annotated Screenplays
L. Kasdan Wydawnictwo: inne

Provides the complete screenplays of the three Star Wars films, and provides background information about how the scripts were developed... czytaj dalej

Book of Fathers
Vamos Wydawnictwo: inne

In 1705 Kornel Csillag's grandfather happens across a miraculous gold fob-watch gleaming in the mud of an ancient Magyar battlefield, which is to improve dramatically his family's shipwrecked fortunes - for... czytaj dalej