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Doctor De Soto
William Steig Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An enchanting tale of a mouse-dentist who outwits a fox. "Elegantly written and illustrated in lovely colors."-Publishers Weekly.... czytaj dalej

Have You Seen My Duckling
Nancy Tafuri Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In this predictable book, a mother duck searches for her adventuresome duckling.... czytaj dalej

Ten Nine Eight
Molly Bang Wydawnictwo: brak danych

"A palette of eye-filling colors appears to arise naturally from the love binding a father and his little 'big' girl who turn bedtime into playtime."-Publishers Weekly.... czytaj dalej

Sound Heat & Light Energy at Wotk
Melvin Berger Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Amusing illustrations help show the many ways in which sound, heat, and light work to help us in our daily lives.... czytaj dalej

Back to the Titanic!
B. Gormley Wydawnictwo: brak danych

First book of a trilogy full of action, adventure, science and discovery. Matt, Emily and Jonathan use a time machine to return to the Titanic determined to prevent its sinking. Can they save the great ship... czytaj dalej

Second Daughter
Walter Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In late eighteenth-century Massachusetts, Aissa, the fictional younger sister of Elizabeth Freeman, relates how her sister gains freedom for herself and her family by bringing a suit against their owner in court.... czytaj dalej

Curley Wydawnictwo: inne

A dark and compelling sequel to The Named, The Dark crackles with suspense and intrigue. Hell-bent on avenging the death of one of their best, the Order of Chaos gain the upper hand in their battle against... czytaj dalej

First Circle
Alexander Solzhenitsyn Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Set in Moscow during a three-day period in December 1949, The First Circle is the story of the prisoner Gleb Nerzhin, a brilliant mathematician. At the age of thirty-one, Nerzhin has survived the war years... czytaj dalej

Brom Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Plucker is a dark and twisted tale about a Jack-in-the-Box, aptly named Jack, who must fight for the life of his 'human boy owner' against an evil force, called the Plucker (because he plucks your eyeballs... czytaj dalej

Trilogy Companion
Jerzy Krzyzanowski Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The modern translation of the Trilogy by W.S.Kuniczak represents not only a new original approach to the problems of translating fiction but it also reintroduces Sienkiewicz to English-speaking readers after... czytaj dalej