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Tortured Wood
M. Rose Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A hot new title from a chilling new series of stories by some of the best thriller-writers aroundWritten by well-known and established thriller author, Malcolm RosePart of the exciting new Usborne fiction seriesThis... czytaj dalej

Poetry Reader's Toolkit
M. Polonsky Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Poetry Reader's Toolkit was written to be just that: a toolkit to help students read and understand poetry. Students will learn how relevant and accessible poetry can be by walking through a wide variety... czytaj dalej

Bergdorf Blondes
P. Sykes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

wealthy and spoiled young woman living in New York searches for the meaning of life while coping with her broken engagement and telephone calls from her mother in England pressuring her to marry the Earl next door. ... czytaj dalej

Mouths of Babes
Duffy Stella Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Saz Martin is settled into new motherhood with her partner Molly and their nine-month-old daughter Matilda. Things have not been easy since the birth - late nights, early mornings, and a sudden death have all... czytaj dalej

British Modernism & Censorship
C. Marshik Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Government censorship had a profound impact on the development of canonical modernism and on the public images of modernist writers. Celia Marshik argues that censorship can benefit as well as harm writers... czytaj dalej

Modernist Literature
V. Mahaffey Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Postmodernist reactions against Modernism have tended to equate it with fascism, totalitarianism and a reactionary cultural elite. This bold and unusual guide approaches the issue from a new angle, considering... czytaj dalej

Playing the Universe
Mead David, Frelik Paweł Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej

The ludic impulse is everywhere in western culture. Games and play provide metaphors for our lives. Stories of games, sports, and play are found everywhere in our imaginative literature as well - from folk... czytaj dalej

Reminiscence of a Roving Scholar
H. Yoke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This fascinating book presents the unusual career of a scientist of Chinese Malaysian origin, Ho Peng Yoke, who became a humanist and rendered his services to both Eastern and Western intellectual worlds. It... czytaj dalej

Rhetoric Women & Politics in Early Modern England
J. Richards Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Rhetoric has long been a powerful and pervasive force in political and cultural life, yet in the early modern period rhetorical training was generally reserved as a masculine privilege. This volume argues,... czytaj dalej

Selected Letters of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Joel Myerson Wydawnictwo: inne

With the aim of distilling the essential core of Ralph Waldo Emerson's letter-writing endeavour into one volume, this text presents a selection of 350 pieces of his correspondence written between 1813 and 1880... czytaj dalej