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Constant Gardener
J. LeCarre Wydawnictwo: inne

Presents the story of a man ennobled by his wife's tragic murder, and an exploration of the dark side of unbridled capitalism. ... czytaj dalej

Cycle de Fondation v5
Isaac Asimov Wydawnictwo: angielskie

La Terre. Tout porte a croire que le légendaire berceau de l'humanité se trouve au coeur d'un vaste plan a l'échelle galactique, destiné a garantir en coulisses la pérennité de la civilisation: une synthese... czytaj dalej

Guerre et Paix v2 (288)
Leon Tolstod Wydawnictwo: angielskie

- Couchez-vous ! cria l'aide de camp en se jetant a terre. Le prince André, debout, hésitait. La grenade fumante tournait comme une toupie entre lui et l'aide de camp, a la limite de la prairie et du champ... czytaj dalej

Chronicles of Narnia Susan's Journey
C. Lewis Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

C.S. Lewis's The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe has been a fantasy classic for more than fifty years and is now a major motion picture! Susan Pevensie wishes everything could be sensible and normal, but... czytaj dalej

Their Eyes Were Watching God
Z. Hurston Wydawnictwo: angielskie

When Janie Starks returns to her rural Florida home, her small black community is overwhelmed with curiosity about her relationship with a younger man. ... czytaj dalej

Blackwell Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

When German troops surround Leningrad and cut off food supplies in the autumn of 1941, no one imagines that the siege will last almost three years and take hundreds of thousands of lives. As the first 'hungry... czytaj dalej

Fifth Book of Peace
Kingston Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

By the author of the bestselling The Woman Warrior, a magical book: a literature of peace built on the stories of war. Divided into four sections - 'Fire', 'Paper', 'Water' and 'Earth' - this book is neither... czytaj dalej

Rabbit & Turtle Go to School
Floyd Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Rabbit and Turtle race again, this time from their homes to school. Turtle takes the bus, but Rabbit runs fast. Who will win this time? It's not who you think! This schoolyard remake of a familiar fable finds... czytaj dalej

Problem With Pelly
S. Corey Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A special visitor is landing and all of the Martians in Pod 1 are excited--except Pelly. Thanks to taunting Tera, Pelly's just discovered that she's very weird. Even her friend, Horus, agrees she's different... czytaj dalej

Apple Fractions
Jerry Pallotta Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Author Jerry Pallotta and illustrator Rob Bolster use a variety of different apples to teach kids all about fractions in this innovative and enjoyable book. Playful elves demonstrate how to divide apples into... czytaj dalej