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What Would Satan Do
Byrnes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In the author's own words - 'We like to think it's easy to know right from wrong. But in the heat of real-world moral decisions, things often arise to cloud our minds. Emotions, desires, talk radio. Perhaps... czytaj dalej

Writer's Handbook for Editing & Revision
R. Wilber Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Ideal for aspiring journalists, this book offers advice on basic copy editing, how to construct and weave "building-blocks" into a seamless, publishable whole and shortcuts for identifying and smoothing... czytaj dalej

P. Campeanu Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Pavel Campeanu was a cellmate in the political prison of Jilava of the man who was to become Romama's leader--Nicolae Ceausescu. Campeanu was himself a member of the Party during the years of illegality. Here... czytaj dalej

Uncrowned Eagles
W. Ułan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Describes conditions under social and Political systems which were completely different fron those in the USA, Canada and other western countries. These are systems which no longer exist in Eastern Europe but... czytaj dalej

Role of Academic Librarian
A. Langley Wydawnictwo: inne

Covers the practical side of being an academic librarian. Outlines and describes the skills necessary to succeed in these large, and often complex, organisations. The book includes tools and techniques for... czytaj dalej

Why Intranets Fail & How to Fix Them
Tredinnick Wydawnictwo: inne

This is a practical guide to some of the common problems associated with Intranets, and solutions to those problems. It explores how the needs of the end-user very often conflict with the needs of the organisation... czytaj dalej

Delivering E-Learning for Information Services in Higher Edu
Catherall Wydawnictwo: inne

Summary: This book provides a comprehensive overview of e-learning (online learning) systems in the context of system delivery for Higher Education Information Services. The book considers practical issues... czytaj dalej

The Purrfect Murder
Brown Rita Wydawnictwo: inne

At the start of bestseller Brown's uneven 15th Mrs. Murphy Mystery (after 2007's Puss 'n Cahoots), Mary Minor Harry Haristeen, the former postmistress of Crozet, Va., is saddened to hear that a local ob-gyn... czytaj dalej

Don Quixote
Cervantes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Didn’t I tell you they were only windmills? And only someone with windmills on the brain could have failed to see that!’ Don Quixote has become so entranced by reading romances of chivalry that he determines... czytaj dalej

Morton Andrew Wydawnictwo: inne

Since the late 1990s, Britain's most famous celebrity couple have rarely been out of the limelight. Intense media interest in their courtship, marriage and children, as well as the fluctuating fortunes of their... czytaj dalej