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The Ice Child
Elizabeth McGregor Wydawnictwo: inne

Wielka moc natury jest matką miłości.... czytaj dalej

Don Quixote
Cervantes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Didn’t I tell you they were only windmills? And only someone with windmills on the brain could have failed to see that!’ Don Quixote has become so entranced by reading romances of chivalry that he determines... czytaj dalej

Gentleman of the Road
Chabon Michael Wydawnictwo: inne

"Michael Chabon can write like a magical spider, effortlessly spinning out elaborate webs of words that ensnare the reader with their beauty and their style"- The New York Times... czytaj dalej

Inne drzewo
Ptak Małysiak Urszula Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Inne Drzewo łączy w sobie trzy bardzo ciekawe elementy. Jednym z nich jest wspomniana już wcześniej niezwykle emocjonalna i intymna relacja z matką, zebrana korespondencja jest, bowiem swego rodzaju pomnikiem... czytaj dalej

Fragments of Roman Poetry C.60 BC-AD 20
Hollis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book aims to fill in the literary history of the greatest period of Latin poetry, about 60 BC to AD 20. Catullus (by a slender thread) has survived, but later contemporaries valued his friend Calvus just... czytaj dalej

The Dead Hour
Mina Denise Wydawnictwo: inne

When Paddy Meehan, Glasgow's youngest aspiring journalist, is called to a domestic dispute at a house in a wealthy suburb in the north of the city, it seems like just another police call. The blonde bleeding... czytaj dalej

Edge of Battle
Brown Dale Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

Violence and tensions along the U.S.-Mexican border have never been higher, sparked by battles between rival drug lords and an increased flow of illegal migrants. To combat the threat, the United States has... czytaj dalej

Portrait of an Unknown Woman
Bennett Venora Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

Portrait of an Unknown Woman is historical fiction at its best, rich in detail and observation that dares to choose as its setting the household of More. It is a novel that unfolds from an oblique angle, revealing... czytaj dalej

House of Shards
C. Burge Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The one thing that the Halliwell sisters have always been able to count on is their house, Halliwell Manor. It's a historical landmark in San Francisco, but to them it's so much more than that ~ it's where... czytaj dalej

The Diviners
Moody Rick Wydawnictwo: inne

In his first novel in seven years, Rick Moody gives us a generous, hilarious, and brilliant look at contemporary America, from coast to coast. In the month after Election Day 2000, scores of movie-business... czytaj dalej