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Eye of Fortune
D. Graham Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Knights of the Silver Dragon are going back to the Dungeons of Doom for buried treasure, but two half-orcs and a mysterious girl with a dangerous secret also want the treasure and follow them. ... czytaj dalej

Curse of the Lost Grove
D. Graham Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Moyra, Kellach, Driskoll, and Zendric plan on a great vacation at the Lost Grove Inn, but when workers at the inn keep vanishing and ghosts wander the halls, they have to find out why the inn is cursed before... czytaj dalej

Mexican Poetry Anthology
Octavio Paz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Collects samplings of the writings of thirty-five influential Mexican poets ranging from the sixteenth to twentieth centuries.... czytaj dalej

Guy Debord Revolution in the Service of Poetry
Kaufmann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Writer, artist, filmmaker, provocateur, revolutionary, and impresario of the Situationist International, Guy Debord shunned the apparatus of publicity he dissected so brilliantly in his most influential work... czytaj dalej

Continuing Professional Development
Jacqueline Brine Wydawnictwo: inne

This book helps information professionals in their continuing professional development (CPD). The book shows them how to examine their own skills and plan their development over a period of time. It also helps... czytaj dalej

Schuhnummer oder Leben
Edward Białek, Czesław Karolak Wydawnictwo: inne

Dieser band ist ein erstes Ergebnis einer sich anbahenden Zusammanarbeit von zwei polnischen germanistischen Abteilung fur Literaturdidaktik, die an den Universitaten in Wrocław und Poznań tatig sind. Die Herausgeber... czytaj dalej

Death of Dalziel
Hill Reginald Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

It's not so much Reginald Hill's productivity that is amazing (although producing novels for nearly four decades is impressive enough); it's the unassailable quality of his writing that takes the breath away... czytaj dalej

Ascension Day
Matthews John Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Jon Jordan. Crime Spree Magazine.'Ascension Day is like a narcotic, laced with danger, and totally addictive. Impossible to put down. This is what thrillers are meant to be. Jac McElroy is a character I want to read more of.'... czytaj dalej

The Dead Hour
Mina Denise Wydawnictwo: inne

When Paddy Meehan, Glasgow's youngest aspiring journalist, is called to a domestic dispute at a house in a wealthy suburb in the north of the city, it seems like just another police call. The blonde bleeding... czytaj dalej