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Drop of Water
Walter Wick Wydawnictwo: brak danych

While admiring amazing photographs capturing such moments as the "crown" created by a water drop splashing in a pool, or a "wild wave" caused by an egg dropped in a water glass, readers... czytaj dalej

Madeline in America
L. Bemelmans Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Ludwig Bemelmans' grandson discovered, completed, and published this untold Madeline story along with two sweet holiday tales about a desperately poor cobbler and music teacher who find holiday happiness. Your... czytaj dalej

Mouse Mess
L. Riley Wydawnictwo: brak danych

With the family off to bed, it's time for mouse to wake up and fetch a midnight snack. He creeps into the kitchen, munches his way through everything in sight, and ends up making a big mess! Page Turners The... czytaj dalej

Lomg Journey Home
J. Lester Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Six true short stories about slaves and slavery by the noted African-American scholar and Newbery Honor author. SLJ Best Book of the Year.... czytaj dalej

Iceberg Hermit
A. Roth Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In a fantastic adventure, based on a true story, a seventeen-year-old boy manages to survive, alone on an iceberg, for two years after his ship sinks.... czytaj dalej

Fourth Grade Rats
J. Spinelli Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Fourth-grader Suds feels pressure to grow up. His best friend, Joey, insists he's too old for peanut butter, and should spend his time tormenting younger kids. Suds gives Joey's plan a try (since it's impressing... czytaj dalej

Glory Field
W. Myers Wydawnictwo: brak danych

One of the best reviewed books of 1994, the Newbery author's novel follows five generations of one African-American family from Africa to a South Carolina plantation through the Civil War, the end of segregation... czytaj dalej

In the Small Small Pond
Denise Fleming Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A frog's eye view of the animals and insects that live in a freshwater pond. Life in the pond is observed throughout the seasons and is depicted via collage illustrations.... czytaj dalej

E. O'Brien Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Explore the universe and experience the latest discoveries uncovered by probes, satellites and space travel. Superb photographs, diagrams and illustrations show exploding stars and colliding galaxies. Facts... czytaj dalej

Josie Under Fire
A. Turnbull Wydawnictwo: angielskie

It is 1941 and London is suffering from the Blitz. Josie finds it hard to understand her brother's decision to be a conscientious objector. But when she moves to a new school and is drawn into tormenting one... czytaj dalej