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- Couchez-vous ! cria l'aide de camp en se jetant a terre. Le prince André, debout, hésitait. La grenade fumante tournait comme une toupie entre lui et l'aide de camp, a la limite de la prairie et du champ... czytaj dalej
Es ist ein heißer Sommerabend in Heartsdale, Georgia. Auf dem Parkplatz der Rollschuhbahn droht die dreizehnjährige Jenny den drei jahre älteren Herzensbrecher Mark zu erschießen. Behutsam versucht Polizeichef... czytaj dalej
The year is 1714. Daniel Waterhouse has returned to England, where he joins forces with his friend Isaac Newton to hunt down a shadowy group attempting to blow up Natural Philosophers with 'Infernal Devices'... czytaj dalej
A Dance to the Music of Time chronicles the lives of over three hundred characters, and is a unique evocation of life in twentieth-century England. It is unrivalled for its scope, its humour and the enormous... czytaj dalej
In a novel that forces your child to see human faces behind enemy lines, Palestinian Samir lands in an Israeli hospital ward, trapped among people he blames for his brother's death. But as he gets to know his... czytaj dalej
This hilarious series gives the reader a lighter look at social studies and science as it takes them on a tour through the gory, dark, horrific side of life in ancient times. To enter the afterlife as a wealthy... czytaj dalej
From the author of classics Just Annoying!, Just Disgusting!, and Just Crazy! comes another riveting tale of stupidity and hilarity about the boy who strives to become the most annoying kid in the world. If... czytaj dalej
Inspired by the true story of a real prince of pre-Islamic Arabia: Prince Walid ordered a man to create an impossible work of art. After the man died weaving it, Walid discovered his life's quest: to recover... czytaj dalej
Patterson's perennial hero Alex Cross wants to retire from the force, but he is drawn into a case involving an innocent man convicted by a military court for the murders of three women. The investigation is... czytaj dalej
While admiring amazing photographs capturing such moments as the "crown" created by a water drop splashing in a pool, or a "wild wave" caused by an egg dropped in a water glass, readers... czytaj dalej