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Six years after her husband killed himself after being accused of murdering an Indian girl, Diana Ladd relys on a Native American wise woman and a local police detective to protect her and her son from her... czytaj dalej
With all the pace and thrust of a thriller, the hero in "The Society of Others" is propelled into a dizzying sequence of increasingly terrifying Kafka-esque adventures as he tries to understand the... czytaj dalej
Charles Darwin's ideas resonate deeply in western culture today and his theory still lies at the heart of modern scientific evolutionary research. As other nineteenth-century figures fade, Darwin's theory of... czytaj dalej
Alan Turing helped break the Nazis' Enigma code and became a champion of artificial intelligence. An openly gay man, he was sentenced to chemical castration and committed suicide. Leavitt portrays Turing in... czytaj dalej
This book is about a girl called Crystal who wants to be a mermaid. One night her wish comes true and she swims with a dolphin all day. My favourite part was where she was dreaming about being a mermaid. I... czytaj dalej
In the thrilling story of a girl becoming a leader, King Alfred's eldest daughter must use her inner resources and battle skills to save her own life and protect the lives of her men, becoming the greatest... czytaj dalej
Penned by an author of Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul, this teen-friendly book explores how a lack of self-esteem and self-love can lead to eating disorders, depression, and more. Perfect for your teen or... czytaj dalej
This unique alphabet book explains different facets of the holiday, with each letter representing an English or Swahili word, with a simple definition explaining its relation to Kwanzaa. Full color. ... czytaj dalej
Carole Hanson returns to Pine Hollow to work full-time with the horses she loves, while striving to mend a broken heart and forgive herself for the mistake she made.... czytaj dalej
A young girl and her family attend an Indian powwow and dance with the Seminoles, whose ancestors rescued her grandfather from slavery and accepted him as their brother.... czytaj dalej