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Maciej Antoni Suszek Wydawnictwo: Zysk i S-ka

"Naiwność to jedna z cech młodości. Młodości, z której zawsze się wyrasta. Z naiwności znacznie trudniej". Powrót do przeszłości, miejscami mrocznej i bolesnej, to również – paradoksalnie... czytaj dalej

Ghosts True Encounters with World Beyond
Hans Holzer Wydawnictwo: inne

A definitive enquiry into ghostly manifestations and evidence of 'the other side', in which the world's leading authority on the subject presents hundreds of case histories, tips on interpreting sounds and... czytaj dalej

Gossip Girl 6 You're The One That I Want
C. Ziegesar Wydawnictwo: inne

Sharp wit, intriguing characters, and high stakes melodrama in the world of New York's wealthiest teens. Ages 13+. ... czytaj dalej

August Bebel Bd 3-5 1890-1899
A. Baske Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Documenting the life and work of the most important German workers... czytaj dalej

New & Collected Poems
C. Miłosz Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

Nobel laureate Czeslaw Milosz is a master poet whose verse has often relfected the ancient themes of the nature of imagination, human experience, good and evil, and the wonders of life. New and Collected Poems:... czytaj dalej

Lion the Witch & the Wardrobe Movie Storybook
K. Egan Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

An ordinary game of hide-and-seek leads to the discovery of a lifetime! Before they know it, Lucy Pevensie and her siblings have traveled through a dusty old wardrobe and entered the magical land of Narnia... czytaj dalej

Weekenders The Adventures in Calcutta
A. O'Hagan Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

In 2001 a group of authors including Andrew O'Hagan, Tony Hawks and Irvine Welsh were given the opportunity to visit Sudan, one of the world's most inaccessible countries. The resulting book: The Weekenders... czytaj dalej

Empress of the Last Days
J. Stevenson Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

The Empress of the Last Days is the final volume of the remarkable trilogy that began with Astraea and The Pretender. A group of friends, Corinne, Theodoor and Michael, bring together their talents and knowledge... czytaj dalej

Burma Legacy
Geoffrey Archer Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Sam Packer, hero of Firehawk and The Lucifer Network, has a new assignment that will combine all his diplomatic and survival skills. An aging, wealthy Japanese businessman, Tetsuo Kamata, wants to rescue an... czytaj dalej

He who Fears the Wolf
K. Fossum Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

A boy arrives - breathless and aghast - at his police station, to report the discovery of a horribly maimed body outside an isolated house in the woods. Yet there was another person in the woods that day -... czytaj dalej