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Blackwell Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

When German troops surround Leningrad and cut off food supplies in the autumn of 1941, no one imagines that the siege will last almost three years and take hundreds of thousands of lives. As the first 'hungry... czytaj dalej

Happy Feet Tappity-tap Joke Book
R. Dungworth Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Why don't polar bears eat penguins? Because they can't get the wrappers off. What do you call a penguin in the desert? Lost. Featuring belching seals, adelies with attitude and bad-tempered killer whales, this... czytaj dalej

Complete Critical Guide to Alexander Pope
Anthony Baines Wydawnictwo: angielskie

So many questions surround the key figures in the English literary canon, but most books focus on one aspect of an author's life or work, or limit themselves to a single critical approach. Alexander Pope is... czytaj dalej

Goosebumps Barking Ghost
Stine Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Some say Scaredy-Cat Cooper is afraid of his own shadow! After his family moves, scary things really do start happening. He hears bone-chilling barking at night and sees two mean-looking dogs that seem to vanish... czytaj dalej

Trojan War
B. Evslin Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'What began with an apple must end with a horse.' So said the oracle, but in between a lot of things happen: Three goddesses quarrel bitterly over a golden apple...the most beautiful woman in the world is stolen... czytaj dalej

Hot & Cold Summer
J. Hurwitz Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An enlightening story of friendship. Rory and Derek are best friends-until a girl named Bolivia comes to visit! Derek thinks she's great, but Rory says three's a crowd. "Cheerful and perceptive-right on... czytaj dalej

Lily & Miss Liberty
Carla Stevens Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Life and the social problems of 19th-century New York are realistically portrayed in this chapter book about a young girl who dreams up a special way to raise money for the Statue of Liberty's pedestal. "An... czytaj dalej

Novel of Rebellion
P. Jacobs Wydawnictwo: brak danych

It's 1675, and Bartholomew Green is a printer's devil in his father's print shop in Cambridge Massachusetts#8212;he sorts type, runs and fetches, sweeps and scrubs. And he learns bookmaking from master apprentice... czytaj dalej

Jewish Writers of Twentieth Century
Kerbel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For more information visit the Jewish Writers of the 20th Century website. Conceived as the first work to identify Jewish writers of the twentieth century worldwide, and examining in particular the Jewish themes... czytaj dalej

Notatki paraqdoksalne
Ilia Ilf Wydawnictwo: inne

Książeczka z serii ?myśli i sentencje?. Zamieszczone w niej myśli i sentencje wydobyte z szerszego kontekstu rozważań, nabierają ogólniejszego znaczenia. Aforyzm to mikrokosmos będący odzwierciedleniem makrokosmosu... czytaj dalej