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Ripley's Believ It or Not! Special Edition 2004
Packard Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Ripley's Believe it Or Not! Ž 2004 is filled with hundreds of the latest fab facts, amazing acts, obscure oddities and much, much more...This must-have for collectors comes complete w/ full-color photos and... czytaj dalej

Principal's on the Roof
E. Levy Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The principal of Kill and Gwen's school promised to spend the morning on the roof if the kids read one thousand books during their reading marathon -- and they did! Now he's on the roof, and he's going to read... czytaj dalej

Best Ghost Stories Ever
Collection Wydawnictwo: brak danych

What's lurking under your wallpaper? History's master storytellers reveal the chilling side of everyday life. Edgar Allan Poe, Robert Louis Stevenson, Bram Stoker, and Henry James deliver an exciting assortment... czytaj dalej

Shrek 2 Potion Plan
G. Herman Wydawnictwo: brak danych

There's a new cat burglar in town and his name is Puss N' Boots! Join Puss, Shrek, and Donkey as they break into the Fairy Godmother's offices to try and steal a magic potion.Shrek needs the potion so that... czytaj dalej

Jigsaw Jones #25 Case of the Vanishing Painting
J. Preller Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Early chapter book readers figure things out along with clever, dependable, puzzle-crazy Jigsaw Jones. With the help of his Top Secret Detective Journal and his ace partner, Mila, Jigsaw is hot on the trail... czytaj dalej

S. Peach Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Focuses in depth on Greek civilisation, from the Minoans to Alexander the Great. Colourful reconstructions, maps and diagrams bring to life aspects of everyday ancient Greece such as the role of women, the... czytaj dalej

Peeling the Onion
Wendy Orr Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Following an automobile accident in which her neck is broken, a teenage karate champion begins a long and painful recovery with the help of her family.... czytaj dalej

First Billion
R. Christopher Wydawnictwo: brak danych

John 'Jett' Gavallan, a former fighter pilot, now the high-flying CEO of Black Jet Securities, is banking on the riskiest gamble of his dazzling career. In exactly six days, he will take Mercury Broadband,... czytaj dalej

Shakespeare's Late Style
McDonald Wydawnictwo: brak danych

When Shakespeare gave up tragedy around 1607 and turned to the new form we call romance or tragicomedy, he created a distinctive poetic idiom that often bewildered audiences and readers. The plays of this period... czytaj dalej

L. Prior Wydawnictwo: inne

The pain of unrequited love is one of life's great tragedies, but even more heart-breaking is a love that is taboo: a love that crosses the divide between species. When a lonely olive grower sows seeds of love... czytaj dalej