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Powerful Words More Than 200 Years of Extraordinary
Hudson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This impressive collection gathers together the dynamic, timely, eloquent, and enduring writing of more than 30 African Americans from colonial times to today. Evocative full-page portraits illustrate the lasting... czytaj dalej

Ripley's Believe It or Not #6 Bizarre Bugs
Packard Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This series is packed with wild, wacky, creepy, and bizarre facts. Readers can test their knowledge with quizzes and "Brain Busters."... czytaj dalej

Goosebumps Curse of the Mummy's Tomb
Stine Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Gabe just got lost - in a pyramid. One minute, his crazy cousin Sari was right ahead of him in the pyramid tunnel. The next minute she'd disappeared. But Gabe isn't alone. Someone else is in the pyramid , too... czytaj dalej

Goosebumps Night of the Living Dummy III
Stine Wydawnictwo: brak danych

When dummies speak . . . everybody listens! Trina O'Dell's dad used to have a ventriloquist act. That's why he has all those dummies in the attic. He calls it his Dummy Museum. There's a dummy with freckles... czytaj dalej

Voices from Vietnam
B. Denenberg Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Vietnam War was like no other war, and the era in which it was fought was like no other time. This is the story of the people who lived it, told in their own voices. "A moving tribute to the lingering... czytaj dalej

French Connection
Moore Wydawnictwo: inne

'Popeye here. I am being blocked while he takes off in the other car. This is a deliberate act of obstruction! If anybody reads me - HIT that son of a bitch!' "The French Connection" is the heart-stopping... czytaj dalej

Dying Kingdoms 2
S. Sullivan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Nearra and her friends travel to the mysterious forgotten kingdom of Arngrim in hopes that the wizards known as the Scarlet Brethren can help restore her memory, only to find themselves caught up in a dangerous plot. ... czytaj dalej

French Affair
S. Lewis Wydawnictwo: inne

Some secrets are too devastating to be told... When Natalie Moore is killed in a freak accident in France her mother - the very poised and elegant Jessica - knows instinctively there is more to it. However... czytaj dalej

Antologia dramatu polskiego 1945-2005 t.1
Kłossowicz Jan Wydawnictwo: Prószyński i S-ka

Lata 1945-2005 to dwie różne epoki historyczne, ale jeden z najpłodniejszych okresów w dziejach polskiej dramaturgii. Tworzyło w tym czasie kilkudziesięciu wybitnych dramaturgów, których utwory zajęły trwałe... czytaj dalej

Kwitnące osty
Mitraszewski Napoleon Wydawnictwo: inne

Dwadzieścia pięć lat pracy to długi, bardzo długi okres w życiu, a jednak kiedy dzisiaj przebiegam w myślach ten czas, to wydaje mi się on bardzo krótki. To ćwierćwiecze przemknęło jak błyskawica i nawet... czytaj dalej