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Beyond Jupiter the Story of Planetary Astronomer
Haidi Hammel Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Heidi Hammel is a planetary astronomer, a scientist who uses the world's most powerful telescopes to learn about planets. The giant planets Neptune and Uranus are her specialties. She was on the team that first... czytaj dalej

Jump Frog Jump
Robert Kalan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is the turtle...that ate the snake...who swallowed the fish...and so on! Children will want to join in with "jump, frog, jump" after every verse of this rhythmic, cumulative tale.... czytaj dalej

Losing Joe's Place
G. Korman Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The humorous adventures of three high school students from a small town who apartment-sit in Toronto for the summer. "A frenetic string of funny scenes-supported by a handful of sturdy characters and a... czytaj dalej

Temple of the Dragonslayer 1
T. Waggoner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Regaining consciousness without her memory, Nearra travels to a temple where healers may be able to help, accompanied by a ranger, warrior, elf, and wizard, all having secrets she is not aware of. ... czytaj dalej

Close Encounters with Twenty Israeli Writes
E. Negev Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This collection of biographies is the first of its kind, as Israeli literature is almost devoid of author biographies. They are arranged chronologically and cover a hundred years of Israeli literature; the... czytaj dalej

Paris Noir
Jakubowski Maxim Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Paris Noir" is a collection of new stories about the dark side of Paris, with contributions by leading French, British and American authors who have all either lived or spent a significant amount... czytaj dalej

Why Fairy Tales Stick
J. Zipes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In his latest book, fairy tales expert Jack Zipes explores the question of why some fairy tales "work" and others don't, why the fairy tale is uniquely capable of getting under the skin of culture... czytaj dalej

Poświęcone biciu serca
Selim Babułłaogłu Wydawnictwo: inne

Lektura wierszy Selima Babułłaogłu przywołuje z głębi pamięci jakieś dawne, zapomniane wzruszenia i wzbogaca je nowymi doznaniami. Oryginalne obrazowanie, zmysł ironii i zaskakujące spostrzeżenia poety, zaciekawionego... czytaj dalej

W płomieniach islamu
Wrotny Marek Wydawnictwo: Dolnośląskie

W lecie 1994 roku pełen najgorszych przeczuć opuszczałem Algierię, kiedyś kwitnący kraj, teraz rozdarty okrutną bratobójczą wojną. Islamiści, wspierani przez partię religijną w kraju i przeszkolonych w Afganistanie... czytaj dalej

Templar legacy
Berry Steve Wydawnictwo: inne

"In the style of Robert Ludlum, packed with murky action and protagonists whose lives are constantly threatened... Berry does a good job. And for fans of Sudoku, he provides a bonus-cryptograms and clues... czytaj dalej