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Taylor Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Presents a Victorian mystery about the extreme and curious things men do to get what they want. This novel, ranging from the lochsides of Scotland to the slums of Clerkenwell, and from the gentlemen's clubs... czytaj dalej

Amelia's Road
Linda Altman,Enrique Sanchez Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Tired of moving around so much, Amelia, the daughter of migrant farm workers, dreams of a stable home.... czytaj dalej

Johnny Appleseed
S. Kellogg Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The story of John Chapman, who in 1700 left his home in Massachusetts to travel across the United States planting apple seeds. Paint and pen-and-ink illustrations accompany this retelling of a true legend.... czytaj dalej

Riddle in Stone
R. Soesbee Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Kellach believes the new statue in the main square is the cause of all the strange events happening in Curston. ... czytaj dalej

Dragon Spell 8
J. Sampson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Asvoria sets her ultimate plan in motion, to turn herself into a dragon. With her new found power, she hopes to rule the dragons of Krynn. Ages 10+ years. ... czytaj dalej

Literary Masterpieces vol.1 The Great Gatsby
R. Lathbury Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Gale takes literary research to a new level with this ongoing series composed of three mini-series. Convenient, comprehensive and targeted to current coursework, Gale Study Guides to Great Literature puts authors... czytaj dalej

Horrid Henry Meets the Queen
Simon Wydawnictwo: Orion

Four uproarious new stories in which the Queen visits Horrid Henry's school and watches the children make wattle and daub; and Horrid Henry tries to hypnotise Moody Margaret, tricks Perfect Peter into doing... czytaj dalej

The Book of Air and Shadows
Gruber Michael Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

A clever, pacey thriller set around the search for a lost Shakespearean play. Tap-tapping the keys and out come the words on this little screen, and who will read them I hardly know. I could be dead by the... czytaj dalej

Ishq and Mushq
Basil Priya Wydawnictwo: angielskie

bought this book because I loved the cover, and it sounded interesting. I have just finished it, and absolutely loved it. It is very warm, funny, beautiful and moving - and extremely easy to read. Not in a... czytaj dalej

The Va Dinci Cod
Roberts A. R. R. R. Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Something fishy is going on in the world of artistic scholarship. How can there possibly be a link between the hidden cod of Leonardo Da Vinci's paintings and the over fishing of the North Atlantic fish stocks... czytaj dalej