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S. McEvoy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The second edition of this best-selling guide demystifies Shakespeare’s plays and brings critical ideas within a beginner’s grasp. The text provides a thorough general introduction to the plays, based on the... czytaj dalej

T. Holland Wydawnictwo: inne

'The Secret History of Lord Byron' - a chilling and utterly compelling gothic fantasy... czytaj dalej

The Moment you were gone
Gerrard Nicci Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Gaby and Nancy were inseperable when they were young. As teenagers they had no secrets and as adults they could conceive of none. Even when they found love - Gaby with Connor, and Nancy with Gaby's brother... czytaj dalej

Patterson Richard North Wydawnictwo: Macmillan

A San Francisco lawyer takes on his biggest case yet - the televised trial of a woman he has loved 'Exile is an astonishing book, a hugely entertaining human drama that also offers remarkable insight into the... czytaj dalej

Twentieth-Century American Drama 4 vols
B. Murphy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

There was a vast array of activity in American theatre during the twentieth century, when work produced in the United States reached the height of its significance and influence within the world repertoire... czytaj dalej

Ein Allzu Schoenes Maedchen
M. Altenburg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Im Frankfurter Stadtwald werden die grauenhaft zugerichteten Leichen zweier junger Männer gefunden. Hauptkommissar Robert Marthaler wird mit der Aufklärung dieses schwierigen Falls betraut. Die grausamen Morde... czytaj dalej

Spur der Flammen
B. Wood Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Als die junge Archäologin Candice an das Sterbebett ihres Professors John Masters gerufen wird, fordert er sie verzweifelt auf, eine mysteriöse Keilschrifttafel zu retten. Candice macht sich mit seinem Sohn... czytaj dalej

Dictionary of German Biography v 1
Walther Killy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Dictionary of German Biography is now at last to be published in English. The Dictionary is unique, complete and comprehensive with biographies of 60,000 people from the German-speaking world. It covers... czytaj dalej

L. Blissett Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Something of a publishing sensation elsewhere in Europe, Q is a convoluted historical thriller by a consortium of young pseudonymous authors, who, it has to be said, are a little too in love with their own... czytaj dalej

Puffin Book of Modern Children's Verse
J. Patten Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"The Puffin Book of Modern Children's Verse" is the definitive collection of modern children's poetry of our time. Enchanting, funny, exciting and poignant, there is every kind of poem for every kind... czytaj dalej