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R. Westall Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An exciting new package for an 80,000-copy bestseller. In Robert Westall's critically acclaimed novel, a courageous black cat journeys through war-torn England searching for her beloved master. "A moving and stirring novel... czytaj dalej

Back to the Titanic!
B. Gormley Wydawnictwo: brak danych

First book of a trilogy full of action, adventure, science and discovery. Matt, Emily and Jonathan use a time machine to return to the Titanic determined to prevent its sinking. Can they save the great ship... czytaj dalej

Solitary Blue
C. Voigt Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A Newbery Award-winning author presents the heartwrenching issue of lost love. "Compellingly real and affecting."-Kirkus.... czytaj dalej

Make Way for Tooth Decay
Bobbi Katz Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Children learn what bacteria are, how they cause tooth decay, and how they can fight against them. Told from the point of view of the bacteria, the fact-filled, rhyming text shows dentists in a non-threatening... czytaj dalej

Circle of Magic #02 Tris's Book
Pierce Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Magic meets swashbuckling adventure in the second installment of this fantasy quartet. With each new day, Tris's powers are becoming more powerful. But is Tris strong enough to harness the power of the sea... czytaj dalej

Clear & Simple Thesaurus Dictionary
William Morris Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Presents alphabetically arranged entry words accompanied by synonyms, antonyms, and derivations.... czytaj dalej

101 Creepy Creatures Jokes
Jovial Stine Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Here are hundreds of hilarious jokes that offer wacky humor for all readers!... czytaj dalej

Curley Wydawnictwo: inne

Imagine if you were able to change history. By altering one tiny thing you could start a chain of catastrophic events. Ethan is one of the Named, fated to stop this ever happening, although the forces of chaos... czytaj dalej

Dagger of Doom
K. Roberts Wydawnictwo: angielskie

If your name appears on the Dagger of Doom, you're marked for death. Or so the legends say. No one has seen the weapon for hundreds of years. Ages 8+ years. ... czytaj dalej

Life & Extraorditary Adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin
V. Voinovich Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Ivan Chonkin is a simple, bumbling peasant who has been drafted into the Red Army. Shortly before the outbreak of World War II, he is sent to an obscure village with one week's ration of canned meat and orders... czytaj dalej