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Steve finds a Halloween mask that makes him look like a creepy old man, with a wrinked face and stringy hair. Now Steve is starting to feel so old... so tired...so evil! Fun Factor A scary story for the grade... czytaj dalej
Jigsaw and Mila put their detective skills to work to find a frog. But not just any frog; this frog is the carnivals champion jumping frog and he has mysteriously disappeared. Jigsaw and Mila suspect foul... czytaj dalej
The Opera House, Ankh-Morpork, is a huge, rambling building, where innocent young sopranos are lured to their destiny by an evil mastermind in a hideously-deformed evening dress. But Granny Weatherwax, Discworld's... czytaj dalej
This title is a "Sunday Times" Bestseller. In "A Lotus Grows in the Mud", Goldie Hawn takes us on an inspiring odyssey and, with her trademark effervescent humour, reveals the lessons she's... czytaj dalej
'The foremost representative of British drama in the second half of the twentieth century.'Swedish Academy citation on awarding Harold Pinter the Nobel Prize for Literature, 2005.This second revised edition... czytaj dalej
Peppy rhymes present the humorous side to a common ailment.... czytaj dalej
Historia młodego pianisty rosyjskiego, którego pierwszy koncert, zapowiedziany na 24 maja 1941 roku, nigdy się nie odbędzie...... czytaj dalej
Opowiadania, eseje, dzieje ludzi i rzeczy... Andrzej Ziemilski, pisarz, publicysta, socjolog, zetknął się z nimi, zapamiętał. Wszystkie przedmioty i obrazy, które posiada lub zachował w pamięci, niosą niezwykłą... czytaj dalej
Mastering Shakespeare covers in detail the plays set in the National Curriculum through GCSE and A-Level to the major elements of Shakespearean drama studied in further education courses. The book is divided... czytaj dalej
Charity Mupanga is the widowed owner of Harrods International Bar (and Nightspot) ? a favourite meeting place for the movers and shakers of Kibera. While she can handle most challenges, from an erratic supply... czytaj dalej