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Storm from the East
Viorst Milton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An examination of the Middle East focuses on how the centuries-old conflict between the Arab world and the Christian West is based on the Arabs' rejection of Western-style democracy and modernism for the ability... czytaj dalej

Twentieth-Century American Drama 4 vols
B. Murphy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

There was a vast array of activity in American theatre during the twentieth century, when work produced in the United States reached the height of its significance and influence within the world repertoire... czytaj dalej

A desert in Bohemia
Jill Paton Walsh Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Alegoria do dziś i wczoraj ze wspaniałym morałem.... czytaj dalej

Via Vienna
Mile Stojić Wydawnictwo: inne

Mile Stojić wybitny chorwacki poeta, autor ponad 10 książek, laureat wielu znaczących nagród literackich jugosłowiańskich i austriackiej nagrody państwowej Buchpremie za najlepszą książkę w 2000 roku oraz nagrody... czytaj dalej

Scented Palace
Elisabeth Feydeau Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In Montpellier, 1748: Jean-Louis Fargeon is born into a family of perfumers and soon becomes apprenticed to his father's modest perfumerie. But he dreams of the glittering court of Versailles and of becoming... czytaj dalej

British As a Second Language
D. Bennun Wydawnictwo: brak danych

David Bennun had lived in Africa his whole life. At the age of 18 he came to Britain, the mother country. The country he had read about in "Punch" magazine or seen in films like "Chariots of... czytaj dalej

Winterson Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

'To avoid discovery I stay on the run. To discover things for myself, I stay on the run'. The PowerBook is twenty-first century fiction that uses past, present and future as shifting dimensions of a multiple... czytaj dalej

L. Blissett Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Something of a publishing sensation elsewhere in Europe, Q is a convoluted historical thriller by a consortium of young pseudonymous authors, who, it has to be said, are a little too in love with their own... czytaj dalej

Property of Blood
M. Nabb Wydawnictwo: inne

Olivia, an American-born model, married Count Ugo Brunamonti, a feckless, soon impoverished aristocrat. After his death, she supported her children by starting a fashion house which has prospered. When she... czytaj dalej

Very Long Engagement
S. Japrisot Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

During the First World War five French soldiers, accused of a cowardly attempt to evade duty, are bundled into no-man's land and certain death. Five bodies are later recovered, the families are notified that... czytaj dalej