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Goosebumps Girl Who Cried Monster
Stine Wydawnictwo: brak danych

It's too bad Lucy’s told so many tall tales that no one believes her when she happens upon a real, live monster in the form of the librarian for the summer reading program. It's especially too bad because the... czytaj dalej

Johnny Appleseed
S. Kellogg Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The story of John Chapman, who in 1700 left his home in Massachusetts to travel across the United States planting apple seeds. Paint and pen-and-ink illustrations accompany this retelling of a true legend.... czytaj dalej

Dragon Spell 8
J. Sampson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Asvoria sets her ultimate plan in motion, to turn herself into a dragon. With her new found power, she hopes to rule the dragons of Krynn. Ages 10+ years. ... czytaj dalej

Podróż do wnętrza wiednia
Gerhard Roth Wydawnictwo: PIW

Szczwalnia to rodzaj osiemnastowiecznego cyrku, miejsce, do którego się chodziło, by patrzeć, jak psy, wilki, niedźwiedzie, byki, czasem też lwy, tygrysy i pantery, umiejętnie szczute i rozjuszane, rzucają... czytaj dalej

The Inheritance
Pitman Jenny Wydawnictwo: Macmillan

As Jan Hardy recovers from the wounds of the past, the stage is set for a fine year, with a wedding on the horizon, the return of distant loved ones, and the appearance of a mysterious Cherokee Indian sponsor... czytaj dalej

Kata Mapkon
Bosak Pius Czesław Wydawnictwo: Bernardinum

Przedmiotem niniejszej analizy językowej jest Ewangelia wg św. Marka. Za jej podstawę posłużył powszechnie przyjęty tekst grecki w wydaniu Nestle-Aland (Novum Testamentum Graece et Latinae, 26. Auflage, Stuttgart... czytaj dalej

Ablow Keith Wydawnictwo: Macmillan

COMPULSION opens as police detective North Anderson, a close friend of Clevenger's, calls him with a piece of chilling news: one of the infant twin daughters of billionaire Darwin Bishop has been murdered in... czytaj dalej

No regrets
Butcher Shannon Wydawnictwo: HACHETTE

Renowned cryptologist Noelle Blanche refuses to have blood on her hands. So when the military asks for her help in a covert operation, she refuses--until masked gunmen raid her home and threaten her life. Suddenly... czytaj dalej

One Night at the Call Centre
Bhagat Chetan Wydawnictwo: inne

Six friends are selling home appliances to the US from a call centre in India. They have serious issues of the heart. Call agent Sam (real name Shyam) works right next to the girl who's just dumped him. And... czytaj dalej

Introduction to Literature
S. Barnet Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The latest edition of this classic text continues to set a high standard for introductory literature anthologies by maintaining the traditions that have made it a success while continuing to evolve through... czytaj dalej