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Little Monkey's Big Peeing Circus
T. Veldkamp Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Little Monkey is an exceptionally talented pee-er, so he decides to open a peeing circus in order to show off his gift. Mimi, a little girl monkey, wants to be part of the show, but Little Monkey tells her... czytaj dalej

Pronouncing Shakespeare's Words
Coye Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Shakespeare is the most influential poet and playwright of the English language. Any good edition of his works includes notes on the meanings of obscure words, names, and phrases, but no edition gives any guidance... czytaj dalej

Biedne zwierzaki
Hamilton Walker Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Bobby ma trzydzieści jeden lat, ale umysł małego, zastraszonego chłopca. Po ucieczce od sadystycznego ojczyma, który chce go oddać do zakładu zamkniętego, Bobby autostopem wybiera się do Kornwalii i po drodze... czytaj dalej

As the Night Ends
A. Howard Wydawnictwo: inne

A spellbinding new tale of love and tragedy from one of Hodder's top saga authors, backed by a fresh new look Driven by her idealism and courage, Alex Goodwin will make any sacrifice to win votes for women... czytaj dalej

Something Rotten
J. Fforde Wydawnictwo: inne

The popularity of Jasper Fforde#8217;s one-of-a-kind series builds with each new book. Now in the fourth installment, the resourceful literary detective Thursday Next returns to Swindon from the BookWorld accompanied... czytaj dalej

Miller Wydawnictwo: inne

Clem Glass was a successful photojournalist, fired by his conviction that only photographs could capture the world's true face. Then, in Africa, he witnesses the grotesque aftermath of a massacre and returns... czytaj dalej

Mediator #01 Shadowland
M. Cabot Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

Suze is a mediator -- a liaison between the living and the dead. In other words, she sees dead people. And they won't leave her alone until she helps them resolve their unfinished business with the living.... czytaj dalej

J. Moore Wydawnictwo: inne

dot.homme is a very lively, incident-packed, 450-odd pages, and it#8217;s a cogent demonstration that Jane Moore is a writer of imagination and skill #8211; as her earlier Fourplay (pun intended) showed. The... czytaj dalej

Lady of Quality
Heyer Wydawnictwo: inne

A bestselling novelist since 1921, Georgette Heyer is known across the world for her historical romances set in Regency England. Millions of readers love the period for its fashion, famous people and events... czytaj dalej

Persuading Annie
Nathan Wydawnictwo: inne

Meet Annie Markham. Gentle, sweet and kind. Except for her dark side. A dark side called Jake Mead. Seven years ago he'd been her entire world, even though her godmother had tried to persuade her to dump him... czytaj dalej