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K. Haruf Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The citizens of Holt, Colorado, return in Kent Haruf's follow-up to his bestselling 1999 novel, PLAINSONG. His characters' problems are myriad: poverty, ignorance, schoolyard bullies, dying elders. But in American... czytaj dalej

Deutsches LitLexikon 1
W. Kosch Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon is one of the best known, most comprehensive and most reliable reference works on German literature. The scope of the Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon is simply unrivalled: Spanning... czytaj dalej

Deutsches LitLexikon 18
W. Kosch Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon is one of the best known, most comprehensive and most reliable reference works on German literature. The scope of the Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon is simply unrivalled: Spanning... czytaj dalej

We'll Always Have Paris Sex & Love In the City of Light
J. Baxter Wydawnictwo: inne

For more than a century, Americans and Britons have been arriving hopefully in Paris. Most were tourists, but a significant number had other motives, ranging from learning to paint or write, to finding a rich... czytaj dalej

Fallen Angels
W. Myers Wydawnictwo: brak danych

A 17-year-old Harlem native whose college dreams fall through, Perry volunteers for Vietnam completely unprepared for the death, pain, and prejudice he finds there. As he walks a daily tightrope between boredom... czytaj dalej

Olaf Stapledon Reader
R. Crossley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Olaf Stapledon, philosopher, novelist, educator and social activist, had an imagination unlike that of any other figure in modernist literature. This broad anthology includes a generous sample of his fictional... czytaj dalej

Księga domu Szeferów
Tamar Yellin Wydawnictwo: inne

Urodzona w Londynie Szulamit Szefer, wykładowca biblistyki, dowiaduje się, że stary rodzinny dom w Jerozolimie, miejsce, w którym w młodości spędzała wakacje, ma zostać rozebrany. Wiedziona nostalgią za rodzinnym... czytaj dalej

Mary & Calor Higgins Clark Christmas Collection
Higgins Clark Mary and Carol Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Deck the HallsWhen Regan Reilly's father disappears, Regan turns for help to her parent's neighbours Willy and Alvirah - with whom she shares a talent for detection. As New York City prepares for Christmas... czytaj dalej

Poezja wybrane
Zaniewski Andrzej Wydawnictwo: Ludowa Spółdzielnia Wydawnicza

W "Bibliotece Poetów" poza zbiorkami twórczości indywidualnej odnajdujemy antologie, np. poezji legionowej, miłosnej czy religijnej.... czytaj dalej

Lion's Honey
Grossman David Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'There are few other Bible stories with so much drama and action, narrative fireworks and raw emotion, as we find in the tale of Samson: the battle with the lion; the three hundred burning foxes; the women... czytaj dalej