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Dedalus Book of German Decadence Voice of Abyss
Ray Furness Wydawnictwo: angielskie

anthology: Sacher-Masoch to Thomas Mann ... czytaj dalej

Sea of Troubles
D. Leon Wydawnictwo: inne

The murder of two clam fishermen off the island of Pellestrina, south of the Lido on the Venetian lagoon, draws Commissario Brunetti into the island's close-knit community, bound together by a code of loyalty... czytaj dalej

Up at the Villa
W. Maugham Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Set in a beautiful villa high in the hills above Florence, this seductive and moving novel reveals the full power of desperate love. Mary Panton ignores her desires in the calm of the villa as she contemplates... czytaj dalej

Howl a Book About Wolves
Melvin Berger,Gilda Berger Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Did you know that wolves howl to warn their enemies away? Or that there are many different kinds of wolves, such as the tundra, timber, and red wolf? Written by renowned non-fiction authors Melvin and Gilda... czytaj dalej

Dragon Slayers' Academy #2 Revenge of the Dragon Lady
K. McMullan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Dragon Slayers' Academy is back-and it's bigger and better than ever! The books have new covers and are now 112 pages long. Expanded from the old 96-page format, they now feature a fun Dragon Slayers' Academy... czytaj dalej

Goosebumps Why I'M Afraid of Bees
Stine Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Gary's had it with being picked on, bullied, and generally disliked. But now he's found a way to take a break from all that by swapping bodies with another kid for a week. The only problem is Gary gets a whole... czytaj dalej

M. Dibdin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

When a group of Austrian cavers exploring a network of abandoned military tunnels in the Italian Alps comes across human remains at the bottom of a deep shaft, everyone assumes the death was accidental - until... czytaj dalej

House on Hackman's Hill
J. Nixon Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Fast paced, and suspense packed, this short novel by a four-time recipient of the Edgar Allan Poe Award is a favorite with avid and reluctant readers alike. The main characters, brave cousins Jeff and Debbie... czytaj dalej

Second Bend inthe River
A. Rinaldi Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In 1798 Rebecca, a young settler in the Ohio territory, meets the Shawnee called Tecumseh and later develops a deep friendship with him. ... czytaj dalej

G. Harvey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The story of the boy pharaoh and the discovery of his tomb and treasures vividly retold for young readers.Illustrations and hand-coloured photographs of real-life places, people and objects bring the story... czytaj dalej