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Children of Zion
H. Grynberg Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text can be considered a documentary; it is a compilation of fragments of records compiled in Palestine in 1943 by the Polish group Eastern Center for Information. It is based solely on the testimony of... czytaj dalej

Nineteen Twenty-one
Thorpe Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

It is the freakishly hot, drought summer of 1921; dust storms in London, parched and cracking earth, autumn tints in July. Holed up in a cottage in the Chilterns, a young writer strives to write the first great... czytaj dalej

Man Who Walks
A. Warner Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

In this surreal and lyrically inventive tale, a homeless drifter pursues his eccentric uncle, #8220;The Man Who Walks,#8221; up into the Highlands to recover stolen money. The nephew#8217;s frantic progress... czytaj dalej

L. Zigman Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

On a chance encounter on the Delta shuttle between NY and Washington, Elise meets Donald, six foot six, with dark wavy hair, horn-rimmed glasses, a big easy smile, and no wife, no kids. Just an ex-girlfriend... czytaj dalej

Kingsley Amis Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Kingsley Amis's memoirs are filled with anecdotes, experiences and portraits of famous friends, family and acquaintances. From his childhood days to Oxford and army life, his travels abroad and his years as... czytaj dalej

S. Dentith Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Parody is part of all our lives. It occurs not only in literature, but also in everyday speech, in theatre and television, architecture and films. Drawing on examples from Aristophanes to The Simpsons, Simon... czytaj dalej

Avi Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The schoolmaster says nine-year-old Benjamin is the finest student he's ever seen-fit for more than farming; destined for great things someday But his father's grave illness brings Ben home,from school and... czytaj dalej

Arilla Sun Down
V. Hamilton Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Your child will be absorbed by the story of 12-year-old Arilla who is searching for personal meaning in her African-American and Native-American roots. Until now, she has lived in her brother's shadow, but... czytaj dalej

Cry the Beloved Country
Paton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A novel depicting the racial ferment in the beautiful country of South Africa in 1948. ... czytaj dalej

Pronouncing Shakespeare's Words
Coye Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Shakespeare is the most influential poet and playwright of the English language. Any good edition of his works includes notes on the meanings of obscure words, names, and phrases, but no edition gives any guidance... czytaj dalej