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Homo agens. Instytucjonalizm w naukach społecznych
Piotr Chmielewski Wydawnictwo: MT Biznes

Instytucjonalizm nie stanowi jeszcze głównego nurtu w naukach społecznych, ale jego ranga ostatnio bardzo szybko rośnie. Dwa lata temu obie Nagrody Nobla w ekonomii przypadły w udziale teoretykom instytucjonalizmu... czytaj dalej

European Policies for a Knowledge Economy
Rodrigues Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book gives important new insight in current European policy making by transcending the borderlines between social science and practical policy making. Starting with the Lisbon process of 2000 it sketches... czytaj dalej

Cost Accounting
Brock Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This student resource text is designed for use in postsecondary cost accounting courses. The seventh edition provides a practical knowledge of cost accounting systems and procedures delivered in a clear, accessible... czytaj dalej

How to Become CEO Rules for Rising to Top of Any Organisatio
J. Fox Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

In How to Become CEO, consultant Jeffrey Fox has written an insightful book of traits to develop for aspiring CEOs, or for anyone who wants to get ahead in business. Open this book to any page and find a short... czytaj dalej

Managing People in Entrepreneurial Organizations
J. Katz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The last years of the 20th Century may well have reflected a brief "golden age" for human resource management. In an economy where ideas and capital were plentiful, the critical facet for success... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Training Technologies
W. Rothwell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This important resource offers an understanding of the basic principles that underlie training methods and the use of technology training in the workplace. The authors provide a primer for the four pervading... czytaj dalej

Sharing Knowledge
Catherine Gwin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This independent evaluation finds that the World Bank has made major innovations that offer staff, clients, and partners faster and easier access to the Bank's global development know edge, but that new knowledge... czytaj dalej

Multinational Corporations & Global Poverty Reduction
Jain Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Finding ways to alleviate global poverty poses a major challenge for political leaders and intellectuals worldwide. The contributors to this volume, top scholars of international business, examine the effects... czytaj dalej

Environmental Principles & Policies An Interdisciplinary
S. Beder Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This textbook takes a holistic, interdisciplinary and analytical approach to the development, implementation and impact of environmental policies that govern our relationship with the environment. It provides... czytaj dalej

On the Silk Road to Riches Discovering Wealth in a Changing
Y. Mostrous Wydawnictwo: angielskie

There are 6.3 billion people living on this planet and half of them are in Asia. The authors support the idea that the demographic, cultural, social, and economic forces in that part of the world will position... czytaj dalej