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List of Contributors vii Editors ix Ad Hoc Reviewers xi Editorial xiii Martin Freedman Bikki Jaggi Environmental Accounting, Managerialism, and Sustainability: is This Planet Safe in the... czytaj dalej
This study represents an attempt to provide a comprehensive quantification of educational outcomes in the Caribbean region. Its main objectives are: to define a set of operationally relevant education indicators;... czytaj dalej
Gassler (economics, Vrije U., Brussels) tries to establish some order in the chaos he sees resulting from economists expanding their portfolio to deal with just about everything in society. He does not offer... czytaj dalej
The authors of this book link productivity change, trade competitiveness, networks of interaction and cooperation and income growth in developing Asian countries with the complex evolutionary processes of economic... czytaj dalej
'Public Expenditure Control in Europe provides a timely and detailed study of audit control of government expenditure in selected EU countries. It combines the factual and descriptive analysis of senior experts... czytaj dalej
All the information you need to master the computerized CPA exam!The Most Widely UsedCPA ExaminationReview ProductsWorldwide* The most effective system available to prepare for the CPA exam-proven for over... czytaj dalej