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Handbook of Organizational Discourse
Grant Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An increasingly significant body of management literature is applying discursive forms of analysis to a range of organizational issues. This emerging arena of research is not only important in providing new... czytaj dalej

Leader of the Future 2
F. Hesselbein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Leader of the Future 2 follows in the footsteps of the international bestseller The Leader of the Future, which has sold hundreds of thousands of copies, been translated into twenty-eight languages, and... czytaj dalej

Knightfall Knight Ridder & How the Erosion of Newspaper Jour
Merritt Wydawnictwo: inne

With corporate balance sheets dictating what we read, freedom of speech is in peril - and freedom itself may be compromised. Examines the causes, effects and ultimate cost of the loss of thorough, incorruptible... czytaj dalej

How to Produce Fabulous Fundraising Events
Betty Stallings Wydawnictwo: brak danych

At long last! A book on fundraising that emphasizes the importance of volunteers and the principles of volunteer management. The authors share their blueprint for selecting, planning, and running a profitable... czytaj dalej

Managing Your Band
S. Marcone Wydawnictwo: angielskie

University of Miami Music Business Professor James Progris calls Managing Your Band "the best book on personal management out there," and Donald Groder, the Chair of the Music Business/Management... czytaj dalej

Qualitative Indicators of Labour Standards
D. Kucera Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Recent years have witnessed a rapidly growing interest in the use and construction of "qualitative" indicators of labour standards. Qualitative indicators, while generally having numerical values... czytaj dalej

Strategic Managment
P. Dobson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This highly popular introduction to strategic management has now been revised to take account of the latest developments in the field.New edition of a highly popular introduction to strategic management. Provides... czytaj dalej

Computability Complexity & Constructivity in Economic Analys
Kumaraswamy Velupillai Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This cutting-edge collection of essays develops an economic theory based on the mathematics of the digital computer. A cutting-edge collection of essays, which develops an economic theory based on the mathematics... czytaj dalej

Market Research Toolbox
E. McQuarrie Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An ideal resource for those who want to conduct market research but have little experience in doing so, The Market Research Toolbox describes how to think of market research in the context of making a business... czytaj dalej

Synchronicity Inner Path of Leadership
J. Jaworski Wydawnictwo: inne

Sparked by a conversation about the lack of moral and ethical standards at high levels in business, this text explores the issues of leadership. ... czytaj dalej