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Innovation in Technology Alliance Networks
Lemmens Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'This book provides us with valuable insights into the alliance network that has come into existence in one of the largest IT-based sectors, i.e. microelectronics, and the evolution of this network structure... czytaj dalej

Dlaczego inne kraje nas przeganiają
Winiecki Jan (red.) Wydawnictwo: Wolters Kluwer

Zrozumienie rzeczywistych przyczyn długookresowych problemów polskiej gospodarki jest niestety niewielkie wśród polityków, elit intelektualnych, czy piszących o gospodarce dziennikarzy. Tylko niektórzy z nich... czytaj dalej

Mastering Self-Leadership
Neck Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For courses in leadership and any course covering self-leadership.  Mastering Self-Leadership is a comprehensive self-help guide that is thoroughly grounded in sound principles and research. It provides powerful... czytaj dalej

Bodies in Code
S. Hansen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Bodies in Code explores how our bodies experience and adapt to digital environments. Cyberculture theorists have tended to overlook biological reality when talking about virtual reality, and Mark B. N. Hansen's... czytaj dalej

Workforce Crisis
K. Dychtwald Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Unprecedented shifts in the age distribution and diversity of the global labour pool are underway Within the decade, as the massive boomer generation begins to retire and fewer skilled workers are available... czytaj dalej

Entrepreneurial Culture
Tsang Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'This book is very entrepreneurial. Denise Tsang treads the difficult intellectual terrains of entrepreneurship studies and networks literature. And yet she has succeeded in developing a new theoretical idea... czytaj dalej

Customer Relationship Management
Baran Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The textbook is lively and will hold students' interest with its unusual and interesting vignettes from the gaming, hotel, banking, airline, charge-card, supermarket, retailing, and package goods industries... czytaj dalej

Operations Strategy
Bryan Waters Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Are you looking for a book that will provide you with a fresh approach to Operations Strategy? If the answer is yes, then this is the book you should read. Waters' approach takes the view that operations strategy... czytaj dalej

Operations Management for Competitive Advantage With Stud dv
Chase Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Jacobs and Chase continue to lead the field of Operations Management with cutting edge up to date content, technology, and motivation.... czytaj dalej

Operations Now Processes Value & Profitability with Student
Finch Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Second Edition retains the cutting-edge content and unique, resource profit model, though the content is delivered in a more traditional package, with proportionately greater emphasis on the text and less... czytaj dalej