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Wiley CPA Exam Review 2007 4 vols
Delaney Wydawnictwo: angielskie

All the information you need to master the computerized CPA exam!The Most Widely UsedCPA ExaminationReview ProductsWorldwide* The most effective system available to prepare for the CPA exam-proven for over... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia & Handbook of Process Capability Indices
W. Pearn Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This unique volume provides an up-to-date and detailed description of the various process capability indices widely (and sometimes misleadingly) used in the applications at production sites. The authors, who... czytaj dalej

Uncommon Sense of Management
S. Tiwari Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Formal management training teaches us about tools, techniques and models, but relegates skills, ingenuity and wisdom to the background. Sanjay Tiwari's framework equips managers to combine the `intuitive' with... czytaj dalej

Small Business Management
J. Longenecker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Small Business Management, with its loyal following and great package, is far and away the market leading text in small business and has been for many years. It is a proven text, comprehensive in its approach... czytaj dalej

Insider Secrets to Financing Your Real Estate Investments
Gallinelli Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Everything real estate investors need to know about finding, financing, and closing real estate investment deals Navigating the complexities of real estate financing can be a major obstacle for the real estate... czytaj dalej

Information Systems Today
Jessup Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For the introductory or information systems course required of business majors.  Information Systems Today, 2e, speaks directly to WHY IS MATTERS today by focusing just on what every business student needs... czytaj dalej

Cultivating Diversity in Fundraising
Pettey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An important roadmap for fundraising in today#146;s multicultural communities Raising money in today#146;s diverse communities is a growing challenge for fundraisers and philanthropists, requiring thoughtful... czytaj dalej

Business Strategy
D. Campbell Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'Business Strategy: an introduction' is an accessible textbook that provides a straightforward guide for those with little or no knowledge of the subject. It presents complex issues and concepts in a clear... czytaj dalej

Managing People in Sport Organizations
T. Taylor Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Managing People in Sport Organizations provides a comprehensive overview of the theory and practice of managing people within a human resource management framework. It provides the reader with the skills to... czytaj dalej

World Class Quality & Product
Carl Thor Wydawnictwo: inne

A simple 16-point program that identifies the need to develop the highest levels of productivity sits at the heart of this book. It explains why and how all involved in the development of a product should be... czytaj dalej