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Biotechnology is the new capital. The many stakeholders in this revolution include scientists, technologists, managers, and venture capitalists; health care, agricultural, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries;... czytaj dalej
Executive Guide to Occupational Health and Safety for Small and Mid-sized Companies provides updated information and real-world case studies illustrating how to prevent as well as confront the common health... czytaj dalej
'Indispensable and subversive' - Simon Caulkin, The Observer This is the book which management students have been waiting for. Written in an accessible style, it enters into lively discussion of classical... czytaj dalej
In this collection of essays, Ulrich Witt illustrates how the evolutionary approach can reveal not only where change comes from, and how it happens, but also where it will lead.... czytaj dalej
The influence of political developments on the evolution of economic thought is the main theme behind this book. As the authors reveal throughout the book, history has shown many times that political events... czytaj dalej
In this book, Robert Boyer follows the origins, course and collapse of the new economy and proposes a new interpretation of US dynamism during the 1990s. He argues that the diffusion of information and communication... czytaj dalej
Environmental taxes differ from each other according to the functions they serve and the manner in which they are implemented. This study highlights the appropriateness of different kinds of environmental taxes... czytaj dalej
'Czarniawska presents an authoritative overview of organization theory. Including the classics alongside the challenging and the provocative she gives an insight into the excitement that can be gained from... czytaj dalej
W książce przedstawiono działania marketingowe nastawione na pozyskiwanie klientów w obszarach dynamicznie rozwijających się funkcji fnansowych (kredytowych) zarówno w instytucjach fnansowych, jak i w podmiotach... czytaj dalej
China's increasing role in global economic affairs has placed the country at a crossroads: how many and what types of international capital-market transactions will China permit? How will China's financial... czytaj dalej