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Strategic Business Analysis shows students how to carry out a strategic analysis of a business, with clear guidelines on where and how to apply the core strategic techniques and models that are the integral... czytaj dalej
This important resource offers an understanding of the basic principles that underlie training methods and the use of technology training in the workplace. The authors provide a primer for the four pervading... czytaj dalej
Management accounting is crucial for efficient business management, especially in the areas of: formulation of strategy; planning; the measurement and control of performance; decision-making; ascertaining income... czytaj dalej
This textbook takes a holistic, interdisciplinary and analytical approach to the development, implementation and impact of environmental policies that govern our relationship with the environment. It provides... czytaj dalej
In this single, accessible volume, a team of international experts sets out a range of analytic tools available to social scientists from the cutting edge of social science methodology. In contrast to much... czytaj dalej
For students in training and development courses.Blanchard/Thacker is written around a model that allows students to understand that training is a system with interconnected processes.Blanchard/Thacker is written... czytaj dalej
This is the first human development report, in Hindi prepared for Delhi that identifies problems of distributional inequalities, and makes assessments of its achievements and progress. ... czytaj dalej
Publikacja stanowi próbę oceny wpływu zmian strukturalnych gospodarki polskiej (1990-1997) na przekształcenia jej struktury rzeczowej. Praca jest wkładem do sporów o roli państwa i rynku w procesie zmian strukturalnych... czytaj dalej
Strategic Marketing Management Cases is a versatile collection of approximately 45 cases. This casebook has a decision-making focus and addresses the challenges facing marketing managers today. It is organized... czytaj dalej
A vast theoretical and empirical literature in corporate finance considers the interrelationships of corporate governance, takeovers, management turnover, corporate performance, corporate capital structure... czytaj dalej