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Competition law is a subject of central importance. Reports in the press concerning the subject appear almost daily. An accessible introduction to this legal field is thus indispensable for students and practitioners... czytaj dalej
This study provides the first comprehensive discussion of conservation in Nazi Germany. Looking at Germany in an international context, it analyses the roots of conservation in the late nineteenth century,... czytaj dalej
The revision that you've been waiting for! Based on the connections between behavior and its biological underpinnings, Carlson presents psychological behavior in the context of its adaptive significance - effectively... czytaj dalej
Examining the history and intellectual activity of the medieval Svetambara Jain renunciant order, the Tapa Gaccha, this book focuses on the consolidation by the Tapa Gaccha from the thirteenth century of its... czytaj dalej
Imperialism and Postcolonialism is a comprehensive look at the history of empire, from the Roman times to the present American empire. The book looks at changes in the way that imperialism has been understood... czytaj dalej
This is compact and highly accessible work of reference that covers the broad sweep of events as Europe transformed during the period from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment. This Companion examines the centuries... czytaj dalej
Prize-winning novelist Jay Neugeboren's third collection of short stories focuses on Jews in various states of exile and expatriation?strangers in strange lands, far from home. These dozen tales, by an author... czytaj dalej
This book suggests that the scope and breadth of regulatory reforms since the mid-1980s and particularly during the 1990s, are so striking that they necessitate a reappraisal of current approaches to the study... czytaj dalej
The second volume of the International Yearbook of German Idealism is dedicated to the concept of the state. Kant´s theory of freedom and his theory of the constitutional state set new standards for the political... czytaj dalej
A collection of essays on national identity within Europe ... czytaj dalej