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"The New Policing" provides a comprehensive introduction to the critical issues confronting policing today. It incorporates an overview of traditional approaches to the study of the police with a... czytaj dalej
Human rights in the social work environment are either theoretical or general concepts that require application to the specifics of practical settings. "Understanding Human Rights" is written with... czytaj dalej
Poradnik antyunijny. Autor prezentuje w nim swoją głęboką troskę o losy ojczyzny i przywiązanie do tradycji konstruując mocne tytuły kolejnych rozdziałów: "Przodkowie z grobów krzyczą: Nie do UE!"... czytaj dalej
This how-to book gives concrete suggestions and step-by-step guidance for both beginning and experienced teachers. It focuses on the practical application of computers and the internet to the everyday tasks... czytaj dalej
Since September 11, 2001, much has been said about the difficult balancing act between freedom and security, but few have made specific proposals for how to strike that balance. As the scandals over the abuse... czytaj dalej
This book locates the analysis of political violence within the sociological and criminological debate. It addresses forms of political violence from below (collective violence, insurgency, armed struggle,... czytaj dalej
This controversial, challenging and timely book carefully reviews the economic aspects of the UK's relationship with the EU: trade in goods and services, the single market, tax and regulation, public finances... czytaj dalej
Presents a mix of classic and contemporary research in an accessible style that emphasises the relevance of the findings to students' own lives. ... czytaj dalej
This volume examines the philosophy of international organizations, which have been affected by many changes, including decolonization, globalization and the emergence of new information technologies, particularly the internet. ... czytaj dalej
This book fills a gap in the existing literature on how parties and party systems are developing in the new democracies of post-Communist Central and Eastern Europe. It provides the first detailed, empirically... czytaj dalej