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What does it mean to describe our society as secular? And what role might religion play in its evolution? Are religious considerations a necessary part of coherent speech about human dignity or human rights... czytaj dalej
Tami Amanda Jacoby investigates the constraints and opportunities for women's civic engagements in zones of conflict through a case study of three women's political movements in Israel: Women in Green, The... czytaj dalej
Can religion be compatible with liberal democracy? World Religions and Democracy brings together insights from renowned scholars and world leaders in a provocative and timely discussion of religions' role in... czytaj dalej
Baseball: An Encyclopedia of Popular Culture looks at American society through the prism of its favorite pastime, discussing not only the game itself but a variety of topics with significance beyond the diamond... czytaj dalej
With its broad overview of the socio-cultural elements of sexualities, this book is the ideal textbook to help students recognize sex as not only a personal issue, but a socially-constructed issue as well.... czytaj dalej
Featuring over 250 alphabetically arranged entries, this reference text has been updated for its second edition to provide all the sexual knowledge anyone needs to be sexually literate. It addresses every aspect... czytaj dalej
A reference to the men and women who have, over the last two millennia, contributed to the life, history and study of Christianity in all its facets, regardless of denomination. Entries are concise but for... czytaj dalej
This fully up-dated second edition of Protecting Children provides the framework for understanding child abuse and child protection issues for people who work with children in a variety of professional and... czytaj dalej
This informative text provides an introduction to schizophrenia and a review of the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatments being used in treating both schizophrenia and other mental diseases. Rather... czytaj dalej
Fully updated with new chapters on culture-level studies, personality and developmental issues, the Third Edition illustrates ways in which culture shapes psychological process across a wide range of social... czytaj dalej