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D. Gauntlett Wydawnictwo: inne

Bringing together the work of scholars, experts, and established online authors, this comprehensive book offers an analysis of both contemporary Web-based culture and arts and the impact of the Web on international... czytaj dalej

Buried Alive
J. Bondeson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

One of the obsessions of the nineteenth century was burial before death. Physicians and propagandists claimed to have collected evidence of hundreds of near misses and actual cases, and the subject was extremely... czytaj dalej

Handbook Of Research Methods In Developmental Science
M. Teti Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Handbook of Research Methods in Developmental Science is a collection of newly written articles that provide an overview of methods and approaches associated with the study of human development. Contains... czytaj dalej

Story of England
Ch Hibbert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The perfect introduction to England's past for readers of all ages, this book is also a unique work of popular history. Christopher Hibbert is a master storyteller. With vivid character sketches, telling details... czytaj dalej

V. Joshi Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Exploring the effects of physiological stress, this volume looks at ways to reduce these effects and to improve health overall. In addition to defining stress, the author discusses: personality types and... czytaj dalej

Terrible Innocence General Sherman at War
Mark Coburn Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A great strategist with an uncanny memory and a feeling for terrain, General Sherman inspired terror in the south, making his victories less costly in lives and more effective. ... czytaj dalej

New Working-class Studies
Russo Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In John Russo and Sherry Lee Linkon's book, contributors trace the origins of the new working-class studies, explore how it is being developed both within and across fields, and identify key themes and issues... czytaj dalej

History Out of Joint
S. Cohen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In "History Out of Joint", Sande Cohen considers the ways in which historical narratives summon up a past and lay down a future in the ever-multiplying intellectual debates of contemporary public... czytaj dalej

Who Cares? Women's Work Childcare & Welfare State Redes
J. Jenson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

By focussing on child care and systematically comparing national experiences in Belgium, France, Italy, Sweden, and the European Union, Who Cares? provides an enormous amount of information on recent child... czytaj dalej

European Integration
H. Michelmann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text offers a multidisciplinary overview of theories of, and academic approaches to, European integration. The authors include four political scientists, an economist, a historian and a legal scholar.... czytaj dalej