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Einstein Relativity & Absolute Simultaneity
W. Craig Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Einstein, Relativity and Absolute Simultaneity is an anthology of original essays by an international team of leading philosophers and physicists who, on the centenary of Albert Einstein’s Special Theory of... czytaj dalej

Presidentialization of Politics
Poguntke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Presidentialization of Politics shows that the politics of democratic societies is moving towards a presidentialized working mode, even in the absence of formal institutional changes. These developments... czytaj dalej

Introduction to International Disaster Management
Coppola Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Written from a global perspective on risk, hazards, and disasters, Introduction to International Disaster Management provides practitioners, educators and students with a comprehensive overview of the players... czytaj dalej

Hot Topics in General Practice for the 2007 MRCGP
J. Kilburn Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Hot Topics in General Practice" is one of the best-selling MRCGP revision guides. The book is now comprehensively updated on an annual basis and published even more rapidly to ensure it provides... czytaj dalej

Nutshell Human Rights
M. Spencer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Nutshells are a series of books designed to present the essentials of law in clear, straightforward language. For more than 30 years, generations of students have regarded Nutshells as the ideal means of revising their subjects. ... czytaj dalej

Contract Law & Practice
M. Whincup Wydawnictwo: angielskie

International commerce is made more difficult and costly by the requirements of all the different legal systems involved - and nowhere more so than within the European Union. There are fundamental differences... czytaj dalej

People & Space in the Middle Ages 300-1300
Davies Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book is about the relationship between populations, territory and community membership in the Middle Ages in western Europe. The contributors believe that a strong awareness of land and landscape in the... czytaj dalej

Paradox of Constitutionalism
M. Loughlin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book sets out to examine some of the key features of what we describe as the paradox of constitutionalism: whether those who have the authority to make a constitution - the 'constituent power' - can do... czytaj dalej

Son of the Cypresses
Meron Benvenisti Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Now that I am seventy years of age, it is my prerogative to offer a summing up," says Meron Benvenisti, internationally known author and columnist, Jerusalem native, and scion of Israel's founders... czytaj dalej

Mass-mediated Terrorism
Nacos Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The second edition of the award-winning "Mass-Mediated Terrorism" features a new chapter on public opinion and is updated with analyses of the Iraq war, increasing terrorist attacks abroad, and subsequent... czytaj dalej