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Federalism without a Centre
L. Saez Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The book takes its name from a little-known episode in the history of Indian federalism. A statement of defiance, "Federalism Without a Centre", was issued by a group of Chief Ministers and regional... czytaj dalej

European Integration
H. Michelmann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text offers a multidisciplinary overview of theories of, and academic approaches to, European integration. The authors include four political scientists, an economist, a historian and a legal scholar.... czytaj dalej

Military Orders in the Early Modern Portuguese World
Dutra Wydawnictwo: inne

During the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries, the three Portuguese military orders of Christ, Santiago and Avis became that kingdom's most important institutions for rewarding services to the... czytaj dalej

Information Foraging Theory
Pirolli Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Much of the hubris and hyperbole surrounding the 1990s internet has softened to a reasonable level, but the momentum of information growth continues unabated. Although this wealth of information provides resources... czytaj dalej

R. Dyer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Writing with his customary wit and style, Dyer argues that while pastiche can be used to describe works which contain montage or collage, it can also be used to describe works which are a kind of imitation... czytaj dalej

Social Security
D. Pieters Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Everybody uses the term 'social security,' but definitions vary widely. This unique book may be conceived as a wide-ranging definition, although in fact, it emphasizes only part of the concept: that administrative... czytaj dalej

Guide to Qualitative Field Research
C. Bailey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Thoroughly revised, the Second Edition of A Guide to Field Research is designed to assist undergraduate students and other beginning field researchers in carrying out their first qualitative studies. Its rich... czytaj dalej

Rock History Reader
Cateforis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

These days "rock music" courses are ubiquitous at most universities and colleges, but until recently instructors seeking an anthology of readings on the History of Rock have looked in vain. The Rock... czytaj dalej

Etyka wobec sytuacji granicznych
Probucka Dorota (red.) Wydawnictwo: Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls

Książka jest drugim tomem serii ?Ogólnopolskie forum etyczne?. Pierwsza publikacja była poświęcona możliwym związkom etyki i polityki. Obecna, druga z kolei dotyczy etycznych aspektów sytuacji krańcowych i... czytaj dalej

Reguły działania w społeczeństwie i w nauce
Jałowiecki Bohdan Wydawnictwo: Scholar

Omówione zagadnienia: strukturalne i aksjolologiczne uwarunkowania transormacji systemowej w Polsce, świat społeczny w oglądzie elity politycznej, społeczeństwa europejskie między globalnością a lokalnością... czytaj dalej