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"Person-Centred Counselling in a Nutshell" provides a short, accessible guide to one of the most popular approaches to counselling. Based on the ideas of Carl Rogers, the approach's main premise is... czytaj dalej
'In this pathbreaking volume Muncie and Goldson bring together leading authors to examine and compare youth justice systems around the world. Comparative Youth Justice will be of interest to all criminologists... czytaj dalej
In cities across the US, grass-roots organizations are working to revitalize popular participation in disenfranchised communities by bringing ordinary people into public life. This book examines the techniques... czytaj dalej
This new title explores some of the key issues which surround the politics of religion, an area which has historically been the cause of great controversy. Today religion is still the cause of a great deal... czytaj dalej
During the past 25 years, the study of nonverbal behaviour has become a significant subarea of psychology. Employing a variety of approaches and encompassing numerous perspectives, researchers have made important... czytaj dalej
A POWERFUL, DEEPLY MOVING NARRATIVE OF HOPE REBORN IN THE SHADOW OF DESPAIRFifty years after it was bombed to rubble, Berlin is once again a city in which Jews gather for the Passover seder. Paris and Antwerp... czytaj dalej
The Year that Defined American Journalism explores the succession of remarkable and decisive moments in American journalism during 1897--a year of significant transition that helped redefine the profession... czytaj dalej
Bringing together as it does papers delivered at the 1986 and 1987 meetings of the Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas Pseudepigrapha Seminar, this collection takes as its theme the Testament of Job. For much... czytaj dalej
This new book follows on from Ursano et al.'s earlier title Individual and Community Responses to Trauma and Disaster to expand the focus on terrorism as a particular type of disaster. There is widespread belief... czytaj dalej
Modern armed conflict has taken a variety of forms and occurs at a variety of levels, raising serious questions concerning the relationship between the law of armed conflict and the reality of contemporary... czytaj dalej