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Proximity to Power & Jewish
H. Newman Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book deals with the values, lifestyle and code of law of four Jewish sectarian groups in the Hellenistic and Roman (Second Temple) period, in the land of Israel. It reviews the groups according to their... czytaj dalej

Theory of International Terrorism
L. Khan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

"A Theory of International Terrorism" studies Islamic militancy in the geopolitical contexts of Chechnya, Kashmir, Palestine, and the September 11 attacks on the United States. These contexts have... czytaj dalej

Regesten Deutscher Minnesanger Des 12. Und 13
U. Meves Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Regesten deutscher Minnesänger  ("Regesten": index of the legal content of documents) is a fundamental work for medieval studies and an indispensable instrument for future minnesong research.... czytaj dalej

Buried Alive
J. Bondeson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

One of the obsessions of the nineteenth century was burial before death. Physicians and propagandists claimed to have collected evidence of hundreds of near misses and actual cases, and the subject was extremely... czytaj dalej

Short Introduction to Social Research
M. Henn Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book introduces students and researchers to the key ideas and issues that inform research practice. Henn, Weinstein and Foard provide a clear and easy-to-understand route-map to help the reader plan... czytaj dalej

Terrible Innocence General Sherman at War
Mark Coburn Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A great strategist with an uncanny memory and a feeling for terrain, General Sherman inspired terror in the south, making his victories less costly in lives and more effective. ... czytaj dalej

George W Bush Presidency
F. Greenstein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Presidential scholar Fred I. Greenstein brings together a distinguished group of experts to offer an early analysis of the George W. Bush presidency. The authors begin with a look at George W. Bush in the context... czytaj dalej

Beyond the First Amendment
Nelson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Americans often believe that the First Amendment and free speech are synonymous and that all restrictions on speech can be addressed by the legal framework of the First Amendment. Political theorist Samuel... czytaj dalej

Establishing the Rules of the Game
L. Massicotte Wydawnictwo: angielskie

There are an astonishing variety of election laws across contemporary democratic societies. In Establishing the Rules of the Game, Louis Massicotte, André Blais, and Antoine Yoshinaka provide the first thorough... czytaj dalej

Who Cares? Women's Work Childcare & Welfare State Redes
J. Jenson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

By focussing on child care and systematically comparing national experiences in Belgium, France, Italy, Sweden, and the European Union, Who Cares? provides an enormous amount of information on recent child... czytaj dalej