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This brief collection of cases is designed to help students and employees gain a hands-on understanding of gender issues in the workplace and to provide the necessary tools to handle those issues. Based on... czytaj dalej
Designing, Implementing and Managing Co-Occurring Treatment Services for Individuals with Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders provides the practical know-how required to not only develop an effective... czytaj dalej
Książka jest drugim tomem serii ?Ogólnopolskie forum etyczne?. Pierwsza publikacja była poświęcona możliwym związkom etyki i polityki. Obecna, druga z kolei dotyczy etycznych aspektów sytuacji krańcowych i... czytaj dalej
Omówione zagadnienia: strukturalne i aksjolologiczne uwarunkowania transormacji systemowej w Polsce, świat społeczny w oglądzie elity politycznej, społeczeństwa europejskie między globalnością a lokalnością... czytaj dalej
Written in response to students' worries over the demands of dealing with a range of complex and unfamiliar concepts, this handy reference book enables readers to grasp the essentials of Buddhism up to graduate... czytaj dalej
The Arab-Israeli conflict has for too long been seen as a simple tale of right versus wrong, good versus evil or, since the 1967 War, the strong versus the weak. This work offers an account, which shows that... czytaj dalej
Exploring the influence of the Internet on the lives of indigenous and diasporic peoples, Kyra Landzelius leads a team of expert anthropologists and ethnographers who go on-site and on-line to explore how a... czytaj dalej
Previously published as a special issue of West European Politics, this edited volume evaluates the extent to which a policy gap between inputs and outcomes exists with regard to immigration control. In exploring... czytaj dalej
In cities across the US, grass-roots organizations are working to revitalize popular participation in disenfranchised communities by bringing ordinary people into public life. This book examines the techniques... czytaj dalej
In theological literature, the colloquial Greek term oikonomia has several meanings, and only becomes a theological concept through its context. In the New Testament, it signifies God#8217;s rule, but it is... czytaj dalej